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Messages - BlackCurtains

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 653
Customs / Re: Sugar Moonlight: Flutter Pony Custom
« on: Today at 06:16:26 AM »
Very nice! And you let your daughter help, that's so sweet :lovey:

Off Topic / Re: Work Based Learning Finds of 2-12-25!
« on: February 12, 2025, 07:07:57 PM »

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: February 10, 2025, 05:06:56 PM »
Not about junk and scams no, it just annoys me. I do get sad about boycotts though. Like, I don't buy from a lot of companies for various reasons but I can't really help buying from Walmart or Amazon. Now I'm even using the Amazon pharmacy for my medication. I would love to shop local, but seen as I can't get around, my choices are limited.

Honestly, with and Amazon I don't know what I would do, and even if the reasons behind them being so cheap is bad, I do appreciate I can get things I can afford. Does it make me a bad person for supporting them? Or am I a victim of circumstance? A little of both?

Off Topic / Re: Whatcha Got Cookin?
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:48:35 PM »
My stomach issues have lightened up so I got some steak BOGO from Publix and I'm going to make cheesesteak sammiches. I make it with sautéed onion and swiss cheese. I know they are supposed to have bell peppers as well, and I like peppers, but I like the taste of just the steak, cheese and onion on mine.

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:27:31 PM »
Hot, humid, I am sweating just sitting here with the fan on. The temp is going to keep climbing until we get a small cold front with rain, but it isn't going to last long. We are 12 degrees above normal today :hot:

Off Topic / Re: Rate the last movie you watched?
« on: February 10, 2025, 10:28:41 AM »
Con Air - 10/10. Probably my favorite action movie ever. My dad took me to see it in the theater when it came out. It's so over the top, I love it :D

Off Topic / Re: Rainlove The Pegasus's Thrift Store Job Thread
« on: February 10, 2025, 10:26:48 AM »
Really nice plush!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: February 10, 2025, 10:24:48 AM »
I have an infected eyelash on top of everything else I'm dealing with. It's crusty, itchy and hurts. I put some peroxide on a cotton ball and held it there for a bit and then attempted to put Neosporin on it with a cotton swap.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: G1 Twilight in watercolours
« on: February 06, 2025, 10:10:46 AM »
AJ looks great!

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: February 03, 2025, 12:43:59 AM »
I’m hungry and nauseous at the same time. wtf

Off Topic / Re: What are your favourite comfort shows?
« on: February 01, 2025, 03:12:03 PM »
I'm not at all kidding, I have Futurama on 24/7.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Re: I draw ponies!
« on: January 31, 2025, 02:17:46 PM »
Yay, you posted <3

The punk pony is super cool! :D

Off Topic / Re: What's your weather like?
« on: January 30, 2025, 02:40:26 AM »
We are back to the high 70s, lower 80s. The humidity is low though, so it's not bad.

Off Topic / Re: The Plant Thread
« on: January 30, 2025, 02:38:49 AM »
Yes, Ben has turned into a scraggly mess of tough branches. There was one little clump of leaves that held on for a while. He lived for 3 years though, which is a year longer than average :)

I'm going to move my plants outside. I'm making some big changes and getting them out of the apartment will let me relax since I won't have to worry about Aster eating them or them getting infested with ants or other bugs. I'm done buying any more for the time being too. I'm not very good at plant keeping so, time to take that energy elsewhere.

Off Topic / Re: The Trivial Complaints Thread ... #3
« on: January 29, 2025, 01:56:06 PM »
I have relief but still a headache. And because I've been anxious all last night and today, I am exhausted.

My stomach/abdomen isn't hurting right now but I'm hungry. I had a few saltines a couple hours ago. I wonder if I can eat some egg noodles without issue.

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