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The Plant Thread

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Lady Frostbite:
My pink Anthurium that was a Mother's Day sale victim has 'stabilised' I would say. I repotted it in orchid bark in a nice big pot and cut off the dead/diseased leaves and flowers. There's one flower that should be cut off as it's rotted in the middle, but overall I think the plant is doing okay. She needs a lot of care but she's soaking up the light in the kitchen.

I miss not growing chillies ... I have so many seeds and I have a couple of tomato and carrot seeds as well, plus little daisy seeds. I NEED A GARDEN AND GREENHOUSE!

I had plant pics all ready to load in Flickr, but it's looking really strange on my browser.  I tried another one and the site looked fine so I'm not sure what's going on when it looks okay in one browser, but not another.  I checked my Zoom and changing it didn't make a difference.

Edit: It was my Zoom.  It was set so high that it was making the page look weird.

Here's the pics:

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The aloe looks terrible now.  :(

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Lemon Thyme.  I just put it back outside today.

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Mint 1

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Mint 2

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I forgot to get a pic of the Ficus and poinsettia. 

My dad put some old chairs up on the deck. It makes it a little difficult to  reach the plants.  I managed, but I wish he would have been thinking about what he was doing when he moved the chairs.


I put a BBQ skewer in the dill pot and used a little piece of twisty tie wire to loosely secure the dill to the skewer.  I'm hoping the skewer will help support the dill better when I put it outside.


Oh :( I wonder what happened to the aloe?

I have gnats! I think they're in the spider plant mainly but I can't tell. Luckily, I have some sticky spikes to put in the dirt.

Everything is growing like crazy.

I put the dill outside and the hailstorm got it. :(  I was hoping it would survive, but when I checked on it earlier, it was almost uprooted because the broken stems were so heavy, they were trying to pull the dill out.  I cut the broken stems off and I'm hoping that it will be okay.  It looks brown instead of green though.

I think there are too many aloes in the pot.  You can't see them in the pics but there are lots of babies under the big ones.



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