I visited malmö a few years ago, great place and people. Welcome to the forum, and don't worry about your English - loads of non native speakers on here.
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Good that you liked your stay in Malmö! I don't know so much about Malmö, but I guess the people there is like the rest of Sweden, supernice!! Hahaha! No, I'm just kidding!

I don't think Swedish people are better than other humans anywhere else.

And good that I'm not alone with my bad English.
Post Merge: July 30, 2013, 03:14:03 PMHej på dig, leverpastej! ...okay I just had to say that.
Welcome to the Arena, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Terve, terve!! Olen myös suomalainen, mutta syntynyt ruotsissa!

Ok, I'm not so good at the language. My mum helped me with the spelling.

I just know a bit. Thanks anyway!! I'm sure I'm gonna like it here!
Post Merge: July 30, 2013, 03:16:24 PMYour spelling is better than alot of native english speakers I know. 
*a lot
Haha!! Thanks! 
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lol, woops! My point exactly! I am a native english speaker myself (from the US). I think we are the worst at english. ;D
Post Merge: July 30, 2013, 03:30:38 PMVälkommen till Arenan!
Hope you will like it here, I know I do! 
I just started rehairing, but I want to start making my own customs as soon as I got the right products for painting! Maybe you can help me with where in Sweden to find them? 
Tackar, tackar!! I like my stay so far!

I have bought almost everything for making customs on the internet (Swedish sites), but I can tell you where I bought it if you want to know? But the most of my colors that I use, I bought from a seller on Tradera. It was like 50 tubes of acrylic colours (not new ones, but had only been used a bit) for 160 kronor, if I remember it right. Very good colours! I where so happy when they arrived! I can tell you what brands if you want to know?
Post Merge: July 30, 2013, 03:34:42 PMWelcome to the arena ! Happy to hear that your back into ponies 
Thanks a lot! And I'm so happy to be back in the collector gang!
Post Merge: July 30, 2013, 03:44:23 PMHej och välkommen! 
Tack så mycket! Så roligt att äntligen ha blivit medlem! Är inte insatt i hur allt fungerar, men det kanske löser sig med tiden.