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Mercari - pros and cons?

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I'll admit I've only used Mercari Japan, so idk what it's like on other versions of the site, but keyword stuffing drives me nuts >( It's made some of my usual searches downright impossible, because 90% of the search is just unrelated stuff now. So annoying. I understand it a bit for fakies or obscure lines that are similar to more popular ones (like tagging a MLP fakie with "My Little Pony", or a Maple Town toy with "Sylvanian Families") since a lot of the time, collectors of the more-popular line are the ones looking for them... but when all the keywords have NOTHING to do with the actual product..... :enraged:

What I find really annoying with Mercari is that you have to leave feedback within 3 days of receiving your item or feedback will be left for you. And this isn't helpful if you're on vacation. Another thing I have a problem with is feedback retaliation. I left a 3 star feedback for a seller who misrepresented their item. In retaliation they left me 1 star. And after that I had at least one person block me from being able to buy their auctions because of that. So now I rarely buy from Mercari.

Thanks for all the tips and feedback, everyone!  This is all useful to know.  The three-day feedback thing is certainly is the info about the messaging system.


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