Creativity > Arts & Crafts Corral

Tales of Lost Art

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--- Quote from: Annie on November 30, 2021, 02:33:04 AM ---About 10 years ago I had a computer crash.
Much of my old digital art, works in progress, finished pieces, PSD files was lost. Also high-quality scans of traditional art I had given away...

If anyone remember old Elfwood I had a account there and since my computer broke I at least had a lot small resized art saved on their servers. Naive as I was I though elfwood would be around forever so the last remains of my old art was deleted when the site closed down all of a sudden.
It might not have been good art but it´s still fun memories and a way to see development compared to new art.
Always remember to do backup of your stuff, people.  :shocked:

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I remember Elfwood... Such a shame it went belly-up

I remember when I was around 13 years old and I've just thrown away a lot of my art that I've made when I was 11-13 years old. Because I didn't like it anymore. My mum saw that i wanted to get rid of them and did tell me that I should keep those. I didn't listen and got rid of them anyway. And yeah I think I've started to regret that in a couple months after I've done that. Not that any of it was "good art" but they were memories, a lot of early drawings of my old OC's (that are still around to this day) just went into the recycling, never to be seen again. Since then I've been keeping all my drawings, sketchbooks, scans and digital art.


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