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Messages - cacopony

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
I'd personally choose the regular version any day. The Glimmer Wings are pretty, but they're too huge

I second this, and many people here too

Pony Corral / problem with pinkie pie's bubble gun
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:29:40 PM »
so I bought the bubble gun but the bubble liquid drains to the holes where are the batteries, which lowers the battery's power, and spills the bubble liquid.
I'd like to know if this is a common issue or not, aside that I can't get my money back, nor I can exchange it since I bought it from some peole here that import random merch and toys
but it's ok if I can't make anything about it, I just want it for my collection.

Wanted! / cacopony's wanted list
« on: January 12, 2013, 01:55:10 PM »
I accept trades if you want me to give you this items:
-FS celestia (need to check if there are more)
-blindbag rainbow set (need to check if in stock)
-SA and cadence canterlot set
-or items from this post:,319513.0.html
-baby spike
I can also pay

this is what I want:
-wallets, pencilcases and the likes
-the m&h metal hairclips
-random merch
-loose ponies (CMC or mane 6 etc)
-stationery things, notepads, notebooks,pencils etc
-MLP FIM magazines (I'd pay monthly for them) from any country
-g4 minty

-LPS totally talented giraffe
-LPS llama
-hamtaro merch (specially cappy)
-rody horse stuff (like cellphone charms etc)

Pony Corral / Re: What mismatch pony is this oO?
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:30:16 AM »
this pony is being sold by the same person that sold minty g4 so who knows what was going on there

Pony Corral / Re: My name is *** and I'm....
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:26:22 AM »
brilliant idea!   this will be fun :D

Hi my name is cacopony and I'm ponytastic!

I collect which generation/s?  only G1 and G4   and who knows what future generations
Am I a set completer? I haven't completed any but Im going after the twinkle eyed ponies
Am I a customiser? Yes
Did I have ponies as a child? Yes, I had a few, most were given by friends xD
Will I try to rescue a pony from the brink of the rubbish bin? yeah why not?
If I absolutely had to pick a single favourite pony (I’ve been feather tortured and subjected to fakie throwing), it’d be:Magic Star
My current grail is: ice crystal  :3
If I won the lottery then my grail would change to: minty G4 and all the prototypes I could get xD
One thing I don’t like about pony collecting is: my parents complaining about it
Can I bring myself to sell doubles? yeah
Original curls or perfect symbols? perfect symbols
Chewed horns or hair-cuts? hair-cuts
MOC/MIB that I cannot open or my ultimate grail (loose) in so-so condition?mmm IDK
Hasbro should make or should’ve made: minty G4 and G1 ponies in G4 style
The set or pony they got right on: twinkle eyed ponies!
The set or pony they got plain wrong:  beddy bye bye ponies: don't get me wrong, the idea was neat-o but is not nice when your ponies eyes rust
If I was a pony, who would I be? twinkle eyed pony or a rainbow pony :3
My favourite pony colour? green
My favourite pony pose? bubbles, whizzer and surprise pose xD :lookround:
Ponies make me feel... a child once again!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Re: Oddball McDonalds LPS
« on: January 11, 2013, 06:06:18 PM »
I think that the kind of plastic that they used for the chair lost it's color due to sun. since yours is grey and the original is purple that could be an option

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / lps prototypes??
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:03:36 PM »
I went to taobao, because I love searching for unreleased stuff and the likes, so I found 2 lps figures,
if anyone wants to see them search littlest pet shop on taobao and it will appear in the 4th and 5th pages some lps that look like prototypes that maybe will appear in mcdonald
has anyone found any other lps prototype?

Pony Corral / Re: g4 merch from your country!
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:20:55 PM »
To be perfectly honest, i'm quite happy I don't collect G4 or I'd be VERY annoyed. Iceland barely has anything pony-related! I don't remember seeing any merch actually, and the ponies themselves are terribly overpriced :S

that's very sad to hear, aside from ansaldo, no one else makes pony things here and the g4 ponies here are pretty expensive too, because of that I have stuck to the flea market there I can found mlp items that are not sold here

Pony Corral / Re: g4 merch from your country!
« on: January 11, 2013, 01:01:23 PM »
*collects jaw from floor and goes to get a mop for the keyboard*

Wash gloves (because who would want to touch their child :nuts:)
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And of course - we eat our ponies
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wash gloves- ah the humanity...

I think that is pasta?    oooh I'd love get that xD I imagine myself showing it to my fellow bronies in Iquique xD

Pony Corral / Re: minty for g4?
« on: January 11, 2013, 11:40:54 AM »
Sure someone had to have "made her". Unlike most of the Franken-ponies, she is completely unique from any existing releases, not something someone just whipped together by swapping heads.

Whoever made Minty had to have had access to a lot of things that would only be available in the Hasbro factory:
1. The molds of the pony
2. Green plastic that has not been used for any other pony
3. Access to paint/decals that have never been used for G4s; purple eyes, and mints symbol
4. Hairing tools for G4s
5. The Hasbro date stamping machines for the hooves on the G4s

Everything about Minty is the same quality as every other current pony release, so I would find it hard to believe someone made it as a custom.

this is what I thought, that they would have access to all that, as I wondered if there were any g4 ponies with that hair color, and eye decal

Pony Corral / Re: minty for g4?
« on: January 11, 2013, 10:40:55 AM »
minty is the only g3 I like D: so I got very exited when she started appearing...
but at least there is this one picture of here in which appears the taobao user's shop that sold her, so I will keep cheking...

Pony Corral / minty for g4?
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:43:48 AM »
I've wondered many times about the minty that was being sold on taobao, and later in ebay
I wonder what happened? I mean was just a prototype? or maybe the person that used to sell her made her like when they do that factory error ponies?
If it was a prototype, then why she was never in the stores?
well if she is ever sold again in taobao I will not think 2 times about it.

I'd like to know more about it :S

Pony Corral / g4 merch from your country!
« on: January 09, 2013, 05:18:10 PM »
hello everyone!
without counting the introduction topic, this one is my first!
I've been wondering what merchandise is sold at each country, that is not sold anywhere, or that is hard to find anywhere else, for example here in chile ANSALDO sells this stuff:


STATIONERY AND EETY BEETY BACKPACK (seriously, its too small)






they also "offer"(they offer them, but they can't be bought anywhere :/) different pencilcases, backpacks (bigger than the stationery set one)

If someone is interested I can search for prices, or I can show reference pics.

I would like to see what other people have found at their cities too.

Introductions / um...hello?
« on: January 04, 2013, 04:15:19 PM »
Hi, I'm cacopony, or greyscale can call me either way.
I live in chile, a country in latinoamerica.
I have loved my little pony ever since I was small, the first pony I ever had was a twinkle eyed galaxy, which I saadly lost a few years later, I remember watching the g1 movies, but when g2 and 3 came I stopped watching ponies. now that g4 started I have started once again my pony collection :3
I currently own 11 g1 ponies, and I'm trying to expand it, I also like g4 merch.
I have a Deviantart account :

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