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Messages - ponyjunnie

Pages: [1]
Pony Corral / Re: POTD 4/1/2022 April Mist
« on: March 31, 2022, 07:33:02 AM »
i would not want her. i love the purple and white theme but i don't lime her cutiemark, it's really big and in your face. also the design of it is a little weird.

Introductions / Introduction :))
« on: March 30, 2022, 12:53:35 AM »
Hello! I'm Amy but I also go by Juppi, Juppiter, Juniper and also Junnie as it is in my username :P My pronouns are she/they and I'm 19 years old :cool:

I've only recently started collecting ponies - I played with them when I was younger but I don't have any from childhood. My dog chewed up all of them :cry:
But I'm in love with G3s! I think it's because they're the ones I grew up with. They're so cute and I currently own about eight G3s, two G4s and four G5s! I am planning on getting at least one or two G1s but I don't have much interest in G2s.

Also, please bear with me - considering I'm 19 I never really had to use forums before so I'm a little lost on how they work. I might make some mistakes but I'll try my best :biggrin:

I got into ponies because I'm autistic and two of my friends had them as their special interest :heart: so they dragged me into it and I couldn't be happier about it, haha.

Nice to meet you!!

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