Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Year 6 - G1 Princess Ponies


Just curious if anyone has attempted to straighten the crown tinsel on year 6 princess ponies? 

I have been successful with wetting other hair with conditioner and used a hair straightener and straightened really frizzy and dry hair, but I’m worried the tinsel wouldn’t hold up with the heat, even if it was wet and conditioned.

I have a really lovely Princess Pristina, but her crown tinsel is really crinkled and compacted/curly. This may be from hot water? So I’m not sure if more heat would make it worse or potentially break it.

Thoughts? Should I attempt with a couple strands, leave it or re-root it?

You can do the same thing with tinsel but turn the heat to low. Make sure to have a lot of conditioner on it. If you're straightener doesn't have a low setting, you can try using a dryer sheet and pulling it over sections of the tinsel.

Thanks! I’ll give it a try tonight!!


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