TCB > Wanted!

Looking for Basic Fun Twinkle Eyed Set


Since I'm unsure when and if the Basic Fun Twinkle Eyed Set is gonna show up for order online I wanted to ask around if anyone has any shops near them that do carry the set and would be able to sell the whole set (at reasonable price).
I do know that some people did say that they may be able to do that but now since some time has passed (since I saw some of these comments) I'm unsure if they're still able to do that.
Would be super thankful to anyone that can help.

Also I should probably inform you that I am located in Poland, however my boyfriend who lives in USA (New Jersey) said that the ponies can be sent to him (he will send them with other items to me).

Good Luck. I've been looking too but I can only find people who are willing to get the set for you or sell you a set a gouged out prices.

@Sweets Thanks, hopefully you find some soon :heart:


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