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What are some of your other interests?

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I like writing stories!!! I do have some stories based in my Ponyworld if you want a read of them. I also write other stories depending on my mood. I wrote a few for Pinterest & have just found the writing prompts Reddit as well. At the moment I'm writing a big story & I really look forward to getting it finished. It's one of those where I even made some simple art to go with it...

I'm another one of those loves horror and creepy stuff but also loves ponies. Ponies are actually the odd one of my interests, but I do like animal toys in general.

I'm a big science and nature nerd :P I've spent my life learning everything about animals (and insects and anything alive really). Animal rescue and rehabilitation is my passion, but unfortunately my health keeps me from doing it anymore.

Arts & crafts is a huge interest. I dabble in a little bit of everything but my expertise is sculpting and other 3D works. I can't draw very well but I like to paint (mainly animals :P )

Console and PC gaming is another interest. PC building and refurbishing too.

I love space! I have a telescope and the first time I saw Jupiter, I watched it for two hours :blush:


--- Quote from: Ponybookworm on September 12, 2020, 04:55:40 AM ---I like writing stories!!! I do have some stories based in my Ponyworld if you want a read of them.

--- End quote ---

I'd like to read them. Where can I find them?

Also BlackCurtains, you got to see Jupiter? That's so cool! Are there any other planets you've seen through your telescope?

I am a huge geek about anything space, quantum, physics or time.  Also the animal world.Archeology too.

MASSIVE history geek...

I like miniature things which also means I have dolls, LEGO and other small toys. 
Plus the obsession with all things Japanese, anime and manga.

Also I am into Wicca/NeoPagan stuff so I have lots of rocks and tarot.  I have a collection of rocks that look like animals, aside from my other rock collection.

I like to sew but I am terrible with patterns and following directions.  Just ask my husband who had to save a Halloween costume when I measured 4 times, made a mockup of the pattern, safety pinned and tried it on and made lots of markings... and still put the stupid thing together backwards.  THREE TIMES. 

Oh and I read a LOT of books! 

Movies (mostly older ones from 1980s to 2000s), music, TV shows (also of the older variety), drawing, reading, collecting things like vinyl records, old books or vintage toys, digital hoarding, walking, photography, daydreaming, world-building, lucid dreams etc.


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