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Author Topic: chateaushelton's Wish List (just wishing not buying)  (Read 2567 times)

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Offline chateaushelton

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chateaushelton's Wish List (just wishing not buying)
« on: August 21, 2018, 09:54:15 AM »
*I am not actively buying right now but am willing to trade if that's an option for you.*

My Top 10 Most Wanted Accessories (All G1)

10. Combs (any color) for the collector 6
9. Star brushes (any color)
8. Shoes for Megan
7. Dresses/clothes for Megan (FOUND)
6. Name tags for the Pretty Parlor (FOUND)
5. Original Ribbons (any color)
4. Dream Castle's Magic Mirror (FOUND)
3. Majesty's golden horseshoes (and the box they go in)
2. Sundance's bridle
1. Duck Soup (my Sprinkles is very lonely)

My Top 10 Pony Wants (G1 unless noted)

10. Slugger (no accessories necessary)
9. Any SW or WW (FOUND Little Flitter  :))
8. Winter Snow (G3 - loose is okay)
7. May Lily of the Valley (G3 Birthflower Pony prefer MIB but loose is okay)
6. May Belle (G3 Jewel Birthday Pony prefer MIB but loose is okay)
5. Rainbow Shimmer Princess Celestia (G4 - loose please)
4. Rainbow Shimmer Princess Luna (G4 - loose please)
3. Quarterback (no accessories necessary)
2. Confetti
1. ROSEDUST!! (with pink hair)

Thank you for looking!

« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 12:46:21 PM by chateaushelton »


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