Real Name:
Member Name:
Email: in case we lose contact with you.
Mailing Address: Which won’t be given out until the final check in has been approved
Link to your Feedback:
Which Category:
Swaps you are currently in:
Current Army:
1. list of collecting ponies (please list the generation of the original pony as well)
2. Picture of current army (please provide one picture of each army)
3. Custom variations you already have, if any
4. Any additional info about your army
Generations you are ok receiving:
Generations or poses you definitely don’t want:
Things you like to see in customs:
Things you don’t like in customs:
Other Info for your partner:
Allergies etc:
Your customizing skills:
1. Examples
2. Favorite generations to work on
3. Generation you hate or don’t want to work on.
Willing to ship internationally:
Is this swap gonna be fun:
Extras Ideas:
Please put “Custom Army Swap” in the title of your PM.
EXAMPLE of ApplicationReal Name: J B Jay
Member Name: Rosierjay
[email protected]Mailing Address: (um… not posting mine here)
Link to your Feedback: Category: Brushable
Swaps you are currently in: Custom army swap Host
Current Army:
1. Baby Blossom G1, Twilight Sky G4, Flash Sentry G4
2. Baby Blossom Twilight Sky Flash Sentry
3. Blossom-G1 rehaired, G2, G4, blind bag, G4 Plushie, and Fakie; Twilight Sky- G4 brushable, G4 colt brushable; Flash Sentry- G4 brushable, G4 plushie
4. My Baby Blossom army is all boys, so please no girly eyelashes
Generations you are ok receiving: G1- new poses in baby or adult, G2-baby (0.0 too expensive!), G3-baby, G4- any, Breezies, Dollymix, full rehaired McPonies (remove plastic tail or hair and have brushable)
Generations or poses you definitely don’t want: G1-collector’s pose, g1 beddy bye eyes, G3-diva pose, G3.5.
Things you like to see in customs: I like ponies with factory length hair. Long hair can be pretty, but difficult to display with a massive army. (feel free to give any of the guys a boy cut too. Hehe )
i'm also ok if you want to turn the pony into a twice as fancy or give them perfume puff hair.
Things you don’t like in customs: Boy ponies with girly eyelashes. Can be very simple. Ok with me.
Other Info for your partner: Just because all the ponies have listed are boys, does not mean that I need or want the pose to be a boys pose or to have sculpting. Example: Flash Sentry made using a G1 firefly base. Please feel free to make them as babies or adults. I want to collect one of every gen and a variety of poses in my boy armies. For me I want each army member to be similar, but different. I will be happy with any new pony to join the ranks.
Allergies etc: Wheat, Dust and Kitties. Please don’t let your kitty snuggle the pony. *achoo!*
Your customizing skills:
1. Recent Customsprivate swap bb to brushables swap
2. I love g4’s, but can work on any
3. Umm… never worked on G3.5
Willing to ship Internationally: yes.
Extras Ideas: Dark chocolate, Pony hair, baits, stickers, dog toys (for dog), dog biscuits(not soft treats). In fact forget the extras for me, get them for the puppy.
Is this swap gonna be fun: Yes it will!!