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Author Topic: SEEKING: Yellow/Orange Lobster Float  (Read 23561 times)

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Offline Sunshine

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SEEKING: Yellow/Orange Lobster Float
« on: December 05, 2012, 09:51:06 PM »
    Looking for:
    Right now I am ONLY seeking the following items:
     Baby Sea Pony Floats:
    -Yellow/Orange Lobster


    TE Quackers[/color] - WHITE BODY, NO CANCER!
    I Luv U barrettes
    Lollipop barrettes
    Crown Clips from Sunbeam, Pristina and Moondust
    Earrings in Sets - the ones from Dance 'n Prance ponies (Minus DJ) or Pony Wear packs
    Gold Mesh Ribbons from Dance 'n Prance ponies
    Yellow Bowtie from Baby Brother Apple Delight (UK)
    Purple Bowtie from Baby Brother Sweet Celebrations (UK)
    Red Bowtie from Baby Brother Bright Bouquet (UK)

    Rings from Pony Bride or Pony Wear sets
    Bouquet from Bridal Beauty
    Pageant Queen Crown
    Bonnets, Panties and Pacifiers from Soft Sleepy Newborns (except Aqua panties)
    Silver Mask from Pony Wear Clown Suit
    Purple Sunglasses from Pony Wear By the Sea
    Palette and Paintbrush from Pony Wear Pretty as a Picture
    Good Weather's Accessories - Any
    Berrytown Family Comb
    Sunbright Family Comb
    Meadowsweet Family Comb

    Lavender and Orange Lipsticks from US/UK Sweet Kisses ponies
    Peach and Pinky-Peach Key from Secret Surprise Ponies

    -Brown MPP with White Spot on Bum and Butterscotch
       *Pony itself, Butterscotch
       *Box and all Accessories
    -Brown MPP
       *Large Oval Blue Grooming Brush
       *Extra Long Blue Original Comb
       *Red Saddle Blanket
       *Cowboy Hat with Red/White Gingham Band
       *Larger Ribbons: Blue, Purple, Red
    -Peachy MPP
       *Lavender Saddle Blanket
       *Cowboy Hat with Large Purple Ribbon
       *Larger Ribbons: White Yellow, Aqua)
       *Large Oval Purple Grooming Brush

    So I'm mostly looking for G1 ponies.

    Also looking for Sea Pony Combs/Brushes:
    -3 Purple Shell Brushes
    -1 Purple Shell Comb[/size]

    Random Upgrades I am looking for:
    * = condition less important, otherwise I'm looking for only NM/MT ponies with very few flaws if possible (or at least not noticeable flaws - I'm not super picky)
    FF Bluebelle (again, MINT condition)
    SHS Spring Song w/ intact earring
    Pearly Baby Surprise - HK Version
    TE Quackers - WHITE BODY, No cancer!

    Euro/UK Ponies
    Kisscurl (Aqua hair, pink bows symbol)
    Sea Shimmer (Pearly)
    Baby Gusty (NBBE)
    Baby Cherries Jubilee (NBBE)
    Buttons (NSS) - Both Versions (Many buttons & Few buttons)
    Baby Pony (all white)
    Baby Fun 'n Games
    Baby Ribbons and Hearts (loose)
    Daddy Meadowsweet
    Daddy Sunbright
    Mommy Sunbright
    Nurse Sweetheart (w/ Hat would be best)
    [NURSE HAT x1]
    Baby Bouncy (Surprise Newborn)
    Baby Snoozy (Surprise Newborn)
    Baby Licorice
    Baby Lollipop
    Baby Candy

    Dutch Ponies
    Delphine Pony
    Flower Pony
    Rabbit Pony
    School Pony
    Butterfly Pony
    Diary Pony
    Singalong Pony
    Star Pony

    Nirvana Ponies:
    Mexico Medley w/ Rainbow Hair*
    -North Star
    -Paseo Heartthrob
    -TAF Sugarberry
    -Argie Christmas Pony
    -Milky Way
    -Baby Tiddlywinks
    -Baby Cuddles
    -Baby Gusty
    -Baby Lofty
    -Blossom (Purple Pegasus/Yellow Hair)
    -Baby Blossom (Purple Pegasus/Yellow Hair)
    -Any and all Columbians (Minus Baby Bluebelle with pink/coral hair)
    -Blossom, Butterscotch, Cotton Candy, Bluebelle, Snuzzle (both printed and AB eyes)
    -AB eyes Minty
    -AB eyes Lemon Drop
    -Skyflier, Gusty, Powder
    -Applescotch (Applejack colors w/ Butterscotch symbol)
    -Brown Butterscotch
    -Yellow Applejack w/ Pink Hair
    -Daddy Bright Bouquet
    -Daddy Apple Delight*
    -Lemon Drop
    -Lemon Drop
    -Baby Lemon Drop

    I also collect ponies who have FISH or OCEAN-LIFE THEMED symbols, so I'm looking for:
    Mummy Sunbright (loose)
    Daddy Sunbright

    G1 Nirvanas:
    French Seashell
    South African Seashell *** GRAIL ***
    South African Bubbles *** GRAIL ***
    Dutch Delphin Pony

    Her Majesty Pearl

    G1 Accessories:
    DnP Earrings (must be in sets): D.J., Swinger, Tap Dancer, Songster
    DnP Hair Clips: D.J., Swinger, Tap Dancer
    Happy Tails Tail Clips: Pink Squirrel
    Wedding Rings: Satin 'n Lace, Pony Bride
    UK Princess Dragons: Fiery (red)
    Set 2 Princess Crown Clips: All but Misty, Dawn and Taffeta
    Secret Surprise Ponies: ANY and ALL JEWELRY! Pink Key and Peachy-Pink Key
    Brush 'n Grow Fat Ribbons: Every color except aqua/teal x2
    Pony Wear: Any silver glittery sparkly adult bow shoes (Seriously - any number you have I need like 8), Rockin' The Night Away, Pony-Naut
    Slumber Party Gift Pack Accessories: Rainbow Hop Game Board, Rainbow Hop Spinner (board and spinner or just spinner), Sleeping Bag, Pink Record, Telephone receiver or full telephone, 1 Newborn Party Panties Box, Blue Stars Comb
    Baby Sea Pony Floats
    Yellow/Orange Lobster Float

    Petite Ponies and Playsets
    Pretty Pony Parade
    Yellow with aqua hair and orange sun
    Lavender with orange hair and purple ballet slippers
    Blue with pink hair and purple teddy bear
    White with pink hair and purple ice cream cone (Pegasus)

    Sunsparkle Ponies
    Blue with pink hair and ice cream soda

    Pretty 'n Pearly Ponies
    Purple with pink hair and pink umbrella
    Teal with yellow hair and purple moon with nightcap

    Ponytail Ponies
    Blue with dark pink hair (spiral tail), yellow bow, orange clock
    Pink with aqua hair (curly tail), lavender bow, purple brush and comb
    Yellow with blue hair (long tail), pink bow, pink pizza
    Lavender with yellow hair (curly tail), aqua bow, gold mirror

    Petite Pony Homes
    Happy Hearts Cottage with Puddles
    Whinny Winks Inn with Little Flitter
    Pony Prints Cabin with Flurry
    Twinkle Treats Ice Cream Shoppe with Floater
    Mane Delight Beauty Shoppe with Misty
    Prancing Pretty Carousel with Topper and Whirly
    Royal Pony Palace with Sundrop

    Twinkle Ponies
    Dark pink with blue hair, red-orange bow, blue cupcake
    Dark blue with coral hair, coral bow, coral party favor
    Pale pink with chartreuse hair, cerulean blue bow, cerulean blue present
    Turquoise with dark pink hair, bright pink bow, light green party hat
    Pale orange with pinkish-purple mane & dark pink tail, aqua bow, aqua tower
    Pale pink with aqua hair, light orange bow, green treasure chest
    Yellow with pink hair, dark pink bow, blue wand
    Dark purple with pink hair (tail is dark pink), bright orange bow, pink radio
    Pale pink (can turn coral) with chartreuse hair, medium blue bow, yellow records
    Blue with dark pink mane & red tail, yellow bow, coral saxophone
    Orange with purple hair (tail has been cut), light green bow, red guitar symbol

    Bright Sight Ponies
    Bright yellow with indigo hair, light green bow, light green sun above palm tree in frame
    Bright orange with dark pink mane and red tail, medium blue bow, medium blue sailboat in front of setting sun
    Dark pink with blue hair, light orange bow, light orange skateboard
    Fuchsia with yellow mane and chartreuse tail, medium blue bow, medium blue scooter
    Gold with indigo hair, dark pink bow, dark pink bike
    Bright yellow w/dark pink mane and red tail, red-orange bow, red-orange roller skate

    Glowing Magic Ponies
    Yellow with pink hair, turquoise bow, pink bunny slippers
    Off white with dark pink hair (mane is lighter), turquoise bow, turquoise sheep
    Purple with orange hair, aqua bow, aqua clock symbol
    Coral with blue mane and aqua tail, purple bow, purple bed symbol
    Purple with pink hair, aqua bow, aqua glowworm
    Dark pink with blue hair, yellow bow, yellow teddy bear
    Turquoise with coral hair, purple bow, purple cradle
    Off white with purple hair, coral bow, coral baby bottle
    Pale yellow with blue mane and turquoise tail, pink bow, pink moon with nightcap
    Pink with white hair, turquoise bow, blue candle
    Gold with indigo hair, coral bow, coral shooting stars

    G2 Petites
    Sweet Berry
    Light Heart

    G1 Combs and Brushes
    *putting this in a spoiler because it's long, but please do look! Not all the combs/brushes I need are rare/HTF!*
    • 1234 Comb: Light Purple, Yellow x2
    • ABC Comb: Aqua, Light Blue, Yellow
    • Big Heart Pick (For Tales Sweetheart): Lavender
    • Bird Brush: Periwinkle, Dark Pink x2, Light Pinkish-Purple, Yellow
    • Boombox Comb (For Tales Melody): Yellow
    • Candy Comb: Aqua, Pink, Purple, Yellow
    • Clover Pick (For Tales Clover, Dutch Love and Dutch Shell): Hot Pink, Yellow x2
    • Crescent Moon Comb: Coral, Dark Pink x4, Pink, Purple, Teal/Dark Aqua
    • Diary Comb (For Tales Bright Eyes and Dutch Diary): Pink, Yellow
    • Dog Brush: Aqua, Purple
    • Fish Comb: Golden Yellow, Green, Hot Pink x6, Light Blue, Lavender, Neon Blue, Neon Orange, Pink
    • Flower Pick w/ Colored Centers: Pink w/ Yellow
    • Flower Pick (Solid Colored): Aqua x2, Gold, Pink, Purple, Yellow
    • Frog Brush: Pale Yellow, Periwinkle, Purple x2,
    • Glitter Stars Pick: Aqua, Blue x2 (One for Serena, More Aqua Blue one for Pristina), Lavender x2, Light Blue/Pale Aqua, Bright Pink, Dark Aqua, Dark Pink, Orange x2, Pinkish-Orange, Purple x2, Yellow-Orange
    • Grasshopper Comb: Yellow
    • Guitar Brush:Lime Green
    • Hearts & Dots Brush: Aqua, Blue, Dark Pink, Hot Pink, Lavender, Yellow
    • Hearts & Dots Long Handled Comb: Aqua, Blue, Dark Aqua, Dark Mint Green, Dark Pink x3, Light Yellow, Mint Green, Periwinkle, Purple x2, Orange, Teal, Yellow
    • Lollipop Brush (Thin, For Dutch Flower): Dark Pink
    • Mirror Comb (For Hairdo Ponies): Purple, Yellow
    • Original Comb: Bright Yellow, Dark Mint Green, Lime Green, Light Pink, Periwinkle, Purple, Red, White
    • Oval Grooming Brush (SSN's): Blue x2, Purple
    • Roses Pick (For UK Family Ponies): Orange, Red, Yellow
    • Satchel Comb (For Tales Patch and Dutch Butterfly): Blue, Yellow
    • Shell Brush: Purple x3
    • Shell Comb: Purple x2
    • Sponge Brush (For Baby Blubberchen): Aqua
    • Stars Comb w/ 3 Stars (For Tales Starlight and Dutch Star): Blue, Yellow
    • Stars Pick (Solid Colored, No Glitter): Light Lime Green, Light Pink-Purple, Light Purple, Orange
    • Sun Pick: Aqua, Dark Aqua, Dark Blue, Dark Pink x2, Dark Turquoise, Green x2, Hot Pink, Lime Green, Light Blue, Light Green x2, Orange x3, Pink, Purple x4, Red, Yellow
    • Teddy Bear Brush: Dark Aqua
    • Triangle Candy Comb (For Tales Bon Bon): Pink
    • Twisted Candy Comb (For Dutch Heart and Dutch Candy): Yellow x2

    Other Items
    RIBBONS - Flutter, Princess, or ANY Original Ribbons!
    Purple Pony Purse (came with Baby Crumpet)
    Ember's Dream Cassette Tape - loose
    Firefly's Adventure Video
    Baby Blue Ribbon's Adventure Game

    Mommy Charms
    Funny Face
    Sweet Tune
    Pretty Please
    True Blue
    Hugs and Kisses
    Happy Dancer
    Tiny Tumbler

    I'm also looking for a few random G2 and G3 ponies loose:
    -Her Majesty Pearl
    -Prince Firefly
    -Dreamer (of Drifter and Dreamer)
    -Floral and Baby Petal
    -Golden Light
    -Baby Sunbeam
    -Beach Pony
    -Baby Coral and Baby Ocean
    -Lady Elegant
    -Lady Dragonfly
    -Lady Waterfall
    -Baby Sunshine and Baby Sunny
    -Glittery Study
    -Baby Rumba and Baby Samba
    -Baby Rose and Baby Lily
    -Baby Nosy and Baby Click
    -Princess Golden Light (different than Golden Light)
    -Countryside Pony
    -Mail Order Sea Breeze
    -Princess Silver Rain
    -Lady Dragonfly

    Aloha Pearl
    Always and Forever
    Bay Breeze
    Citrus Sweetheart
    Caribbean Delight
    Crowning Glory
    Jade Garden
    January Carnation
    January Joy
    Lovey Dovey
    Misty Blue
    Royal Beauty (White w/ Flowers)
    Silver Rain
    Summer Shores
    Baby Wave Catcher
    All My Heart
    Amazing Grace
    Beachberry (need version without foot magnet)
    Dazzle Surprise
    July Jubilee
    November Chrysanthemum
    Baby Ribbons and Bows
    Ribbons & Hearts
    Rainbow Treats
    Royal Ribbon
    Sand Dollar
    Savannah Sage
    Baby Sparkleberry Swirl
    Yours Truly
    Anchors Away
    Apple Spice
    Darling Dahlia
    Desert Palm
    Fancy Flora
    Flower Wishes (with accessories!)
    Kiwi Tart
    Lavender Cloud
    March Daffodil
    Royal Bouquet
    October Dreams
    Rainbow Sunrise
    Beach Belle
    Marshmallow Cocoa
    Morning Dawn Delight
    Rainbow Bubbles** WANT!
    Goodie Goodie
    Crystal Lake
    Daisy Paisley
    February Violet
    Dibble Dabble
    Junko Mizuno
    Pretty Parasol
    Summer Berry

    G3 Accessories:
    Winter Mittens I Scarf and Boots
    Snow'El Hat, Scarf, Boots
    Winter Wish Collar, Antlers
    All My Heart Antennae, Shoes
    Soda Float's Root Beer
    Ice Cream Dream Supreme Truck - Three Ice Cream Cones
    Scooters and Helmet Accessories for Scootin' Along Ponies
    SLH Sparkle Snap - Blue Crown, 2 Star Barrettes w/ Ribbons
    Charms that came with G3 ponies

    Specific Bait Ponies and Custom Supplies *Mostly Hair Colors!!*
    I'd love to find...
    BAIT to me means: Haircuts, Cancer, Ink, Marker, Regrind, even missing parts (well, not like an entire missing part, but, chew holes or whatever) - I can deal with any of that, not all ponies need to be perfect in order to get love :heart:
    -Skyflier (Unicorn!!) - for my army
    -Big Brothers
    -Wingers - Wingless is FINE!!
    -Newborns - esp unicorns
    -TAF Night Glider/TAF Yum Yum
    -Gusty (& Gusty Pose ponies)
    -TAF Ponies: Sugarberry, Milky Way, etc etc etc
    -Eyelash Princess Ponies
    -Family ponies
    -Lemon Drop - for my army
    -Any Baby Moondancer/Glory Pose Unicorn Babies
    -Any Baby Ponies from Pretty Pals sets
    -Any Pony Friends
    -Ponies with mechanisms inside ***I'd really like if the mechanism worked - because I try to tinker around with them and learn how they work, I've already done a Happy Tails, but a BnG or DnP would be fun to try and figure out***
    -Gross SS ponies: Mostly the ones not released as NSS versions either in the US or UK, so: Any 2nd Set (Angel, Crumpet, Taffy, Bangles, Twilight), Cupcake, Scrumptious, Bouncy, Lofty, Best Wishes, Fifi, Ribbon, etc etc etc and Gusty** (I like her deflocked version so she's an exception to the NSS rule, lol!) as well as SS Sundances.
    -Grail ponies to rehair for myself:
       *Dutch Shell Pony
       *Baby Lemon Drop
    PLEASE HELP!! PM me I'd love to trade! :biggrin:

    **Always looking for partial or full hanks of dolly hair (DollyHair, MyLittleCustoms, RetroDoll, etc.) for rehairing projects. Currently I am looking for:
    -All hanks must be at least 1/2 hank (either cut in half, and full, or full length but about 1/2 original thickness...)
    -Any Fizz, Tinsel,  Thermal, Glow in the Dark - etc - anything unique, I'd take even small partial hanks (just please let it be enough to say, do a forelock on an Adult G1 pony)
    -Any crazy neat blends - two color, multicolor, whatever
    -Water Nixie
    -Any Blacks
    -Old Bubblegum
    -Tea Rose
    -Sea Nymph

    Looking for baity So Softs or deflock projects (I've got a collection going):
    Bouncy, Twist, Skippity Doo, Fifi, Scrumptious, Crumpet, Taffy, Angel, Twilight, Bangles, Gusty, Lofty, Magic Star, Hippity Hop, Cupcake
    Looking for rehair candidates with nice bodies (G1s) but bad hair... show me what ya got!

    Other NonMLP Items - FSF, Gwenever, Fantasy Fillies, Wind Dancers, Unicornos, etc etc etc
    Golden Girl and the Guardian of the Gemstones SHADOW & CHARIOT

    Lady Gwenevere Horses - Moonbeam Horse Accessories

    Lady Lovely Locks Silky Mane's SADDLE and BRIDLE and ANY pixietails ESPECIALLY FISH/SEAHORSE shaped ones

    SHE RA HORSES (with saddles and wings, masks, etc...)
    -LIGHT Normal Version Swift Wind Mask with Reigns
    -DARK Thailand Version Wings/Saddle
    -LIGHT MEXICO Version - Horse, Wings, Saddle, Mask, Reigns
    -Royal Swift Wing with Saddle, Blanket, Wings, Mask and Reigns
    -Arrow w/ Saddle and Wings
    -Storm w/ Saddle and Wings
    -Silver Storms's Mask
    -Crystal Moonbeam's Saddle and Wings
    -Crystal Sundancer's Saddle and Wings
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    Fantasy Fillies
    Pegasus: Cirra, Ala
    Princess Growing Hair: Zara, Shayna, Tasha

    Fashion Star Fillies
    Dara (Calla Pose)

    Sassy Sixteens
    Ariel (Light Version)

    Feelin' Fancy
    Raquel (Teen Pose)
    Tamara (Lani Pose)

    Cliff's Tuxedo Collar

    Royal Beauties



    Enchanted Kingdom Horses
    -Aloha's Bridle
    -Top Hat
    -Circus Prancer
    -Nina (Pink and Red versions)
    -Apple Blossom
    -Winter Bride
    -Gypsy/Rainbow and Tambourine

    Tokidoki Unicornos
    Series 1: Prima Donna, Fumo, Stellina, Mooka, Bellina
    Series 2: Caramello

    Tokidoki Cactus Kitties Blind Bags
    -Princess CoCo
    -Bruttino Jr.
    -Snoop Kitty

    How do people feel about a deflocked so soft as a bait?
    I'm fine with a deflock, or even a deflock candidate, lol! My favs are obviously the 2nd set (minus Hippity Hop), and I like many of the first set such as Lofty, Ribbon, Bouncy, Paradise, Fifi, Twist, Best Wishes, Skippity Doo, Truly, Scrumptious and Gusty

    Where do you prefer to have the rh marked? I know some prefer bottom of foot and others like the neck seam, or being that these are not going to be rehaired to factory color do we mark?
    I mark every rehair as a "Rehair - Sunshine" - so PLEASE mark yours. I want to know who did my rehairs. It's important to me to have an artist signature on mine so PLEASE SIGN IT on the foot! :biggrin:

    Do you have a preference of stripes vs solid colors or full out blends?
    I don't personally, I like blends a LOT because I've seen some very beautiful ones, but I'm also all for the "more classic" MLP look of like 2+ colors in the mane. Some rehairs I've seen look amazing with all single color mane and tail, so for me, it's up to the artist!

    How do you feel about tinsel/fizz/thermal/UV/Glow in the Dark hair?
    Again, love it, love it all.

    Since many people seem to not be fond of bbe babies, how would you feel about a de-bbe baby as an alternate rehair?
    Yes yes and yes. If you can make it look awesome (and I try to deBBE so my standards are... not high, lol) then I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a DeBBE Baby Frosting or DeBBE Baby Gusty...

    If you had to pick your favorite out of the three, Earth, Pegasus, Unicorn, what would it be?
    Unicorn for me!

    If you had to pick between Adult and Baby, what would you pick?
    Adult (hard though I love Baby Unicorns too...)

    How bout styling the hair do we just leave it long?
    I personally do either leg curls or ringlets just depending on how I rehair and the pose and what looks nice. I usually rehair long but it sits at the same length as their legs when I'm finished.

    Favorite Flower: Violets, Lily of the Valley, Snap dragons, hyacinths (purple especially) - visually. Smell-wise: Hyacinths, Red Roses, Lilacs

    Candy: No human candy if POSSIBLE please. Fruit leather, fruit gummies, trail mix (with M&Ms is okay), anything like that is okay. Home-made goodies are fine, I LOVE chocolate but I would rather skip the store-bought candy. - BUT, you can buy me Kitty Candy - aka Temptations Cat Treats... my cats LOVE them. :heart:

    No-no conditions: I really hate ponies with pink marks on them (highlighter, ink, whatever it is), no bite marks, missing limbs, giant ink marks, cancer, age spots, smooze - anything non-removeable.
    -Tail rust, and hair cuts on ponies you want to send me as "extra" as bait or whatever are fine, prefer only trims if hair is cut - not major buzz cuts for normal ponies! Writing on hoof bottoms is okay.

    What are some of your favorite animals?
    Freshwater fish like STURGEON, PADDLEFISH, trout, salmon, catfish, bass, muskie, perch, etc... - I also like cats, and super cute animals - squirrels, whales, owls, etc...

    What scents do you like? Dislike?
    I like rose scent and pine scent and lilac scent... I dislike vanilla, apple cinnamon, cupcake...

    Do you collect anything else besides MLP?
    I collect Fashion Star Fillies, Fantasy Fillies, Breyer Wind Dancers, Tokidoki Unicornos, Remco Sea Ponies...

    Is there any pony you do not want? Or, a generation you don't want?
    Definitely NO G3.5s!!! I'm not a huge fan of BBE Babies but I'm starting a "for-fun" army of Baby Frosting's so, I will adopt those. I also would always default to G1 ponies if given a choice. I do love G2s, G3s and G4s though. :)

    Customs/Rehairs: I'd love a custom or alternate rehair! :biggrin: No G3.5's here either please, but the other gens are totally cool for that kind of stuff.

    Coolest Extra I could receive? DOLLY HAIR!!! :freak:

    What sort of pet do you have?
    Inside we have kitties and puppies. I'm very strict about the treats my dogs get - has to be made in the USA and usually is some sort of "dental" cookie - Busy Bones and other Purina treats are made in USA and are usually what I get them... for the kitties they would TOTALLY love some Temptations cookies!! :heart:

    Would you like hair for customising as an extra?
    Yes yes yes and yes!! I would LOVE hair! Any kind of hair I can work with, except yarn, I haven't mastered that yet!

    Do you like homemade items?
    Definitely, especially if it's something I can either display on the wall or use somehow! :)

    My fiance doesn't really need anything... unless you wanted to make him a custom "Insurance Pony!" (which... don't ask me, lol)

    Zero human kids, only furry ones!

    Who are you favorite ponies or sets?
    My favorite sets are: Mountain Boys, Big Brothers, UK Family Ponies, Adult Sea Ponies, UK Seaside Babies, UK Jewelry Babies, Baby Sea Ponies, TAF's, TEs, Prom Queen SHS, Dance 'n Prance Ponies, Sparkle Ponies... I could go on and on...
    My favorite PONIES: Lightning, Milky Way, Lemon Drop, Moonstone, Applejack, Twilight, SS Angel, Mommy Sunbright, Baby Sunbright, Baby Splash, Baby Splish, Baby Splosh, Chief, Barnacle, Skyflier, Powder, Gusty

    Do you collect any merchandise for g1 or other line?
    I collect any and ALL G1 merch - from pamphlets and brochures to rollerstakes to shirts to stampers to ovens and sewing machines... seriously anything that is G1 merch I flip over, I LOVE it. Even new stuff that has retro G1 ponies on it is awesome!

    How do you feel about duplicates of things you already have on the off chance that your partner has to shop outside your wish/want list?
    -Duplicates are fine if they're in good shape because they may upgrade my own, and then sell the one that was originally MINE. If not, I usually keep duplicates or try to find someone who I can bomb with RAOPKs if they need that pony. But I'm not one to just turn around and sell off something that my partner worked to get me!

    Do you collect the G4 trading cards/standees/tattoos/stickers?
    -Yes, but I really only need foils from the sets, especially the promo cards, lol

    Do you have an army of ponies (sorry if we answered this somehow before? :blush:) If so, who is it/are they?
    -My army ponies are: Lemon Drop, Moonstone and I now have an unintentional Peachy army... :) I would LOVE custom additions to my army, as so far I have only alternate rehairs (I would love those too!)

    Is it okay for your partner to decorate the OUTSIDE of the box they're shipping to you?
    -Totally fine, my mailman knows how weird I am already :P

    Fakies? (Did we cover this? Sorry!)
    -I would take Princess Rinse 'n Spits, the SHS mold fakies, the Argentina squishy fakies, any nonUS fakie like weird Spain fakies... only those G1 fakies interest me.

    Who's your favorite pony out of the Original Six?
    -Snuzzle!! :heart: and Lemon Drop of the CP ponies, even though she's not "Original Six"

    Where are a few places you'd LOVE to be able to visit?
    The Galapagos Islands, Australia, Alaska, and little deserted tropical islands, lol!

    My ponysona is Sunshine!

    She can be seen in my avatar but that's just a... erm Prototype Sunshine?

    Here's my custom from Berrymouse :heart:

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    And a drawing by Jinxxy :heart:
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    I would LOVE artwork or customs of my ponysona! :)
    « Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 11:49:06 PM by Sunshine »
    Visit my MLP Store for Ponies of all Generations! For Sale or Trade!
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    My Want List
    Formerly Known As: SunshinePony

    Offline kezrob23

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia
    « Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 01:31:14 AM »
    i've seen heaps lately for around 10-30 lol!! but none are near me :( if i ever see one in my area i'll definitely snap it up for you!!! more than happy to destuff, just not sure about the head? would that bit stay stuffed?

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia
    « Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 08:46:45 AM »
    There are 2 giant plushies at australian ebay at the moment

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia
    « Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 11:41:32 AM »
    they are in nz too and shipping is cheaper cause or dollar is weaker :  )

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia
    « Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 11:11:16 PM »
    I will look thanks! I wonder if they ship to the USA... :huh:

    Edit> Ughhh one is way too much, and the other is LOCAL PICKUP ONLY...

    WAAHHH I wish those people would realize I'm willing to pay for the ridiculous shipping to the US (I've sent many random sellers messages)... I'd even include a finders fee to any member who can arrange a sale for me...

    « Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 11:14:31 PM by SunshinePony »
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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia/NZ, etc. PLEASE HELP
    « Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 01:35:49 AM »
    there's a sweetberry on ebay aust at the mo, $17 bin. it's close to the sunshine coast tho, so not sure if maybe one of the qld'ers may be able to help out...

    Post Merge: December 07, 2012, 01:40:04 AM

    or there's a minty for $20 on gumtree, located in ballarat - about 40 mins from me so if you're interested, let me know, i can find out if it's still available :)
    « Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 01:40:04 AM by kezrob23 »

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia/NZ, etc. PLEASE HELP
    « Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 01:46:45 AM »
    I am also happy to help, I am in Australia, if you are happy to pay the price for shipping and have a paypal address I can help if one pops up nearby. I am also happy to destuff, you can't really compress these guys down much, and even if you do, the shipping would still cost the same as the weight wouldn't change.

    I have shipped a couple of fully stuffed ones within Australia for around $40AU, but know just sending the skin would save you a tonne of cash, and if you are happy to re - stuff at your end, it would still work out a heap cheaper.

    PM me if you are still looking, and I will keep an eye out for any in my area :)

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia/NZ, etc. PLEASE HELP
    « Reply #7 on: December 07, 2012, 01:29:08 PM »
    Omg thank you both so much - I will look to see what I can find - I would hate to make any of you travel so far as 40 minutes away though to grab something like that - I will send you PMs as soon as I have a moment to browse through those sites... and you're right, lol I wasn't thinking about the weight not changing, haha, just the size.

    If you were to de-stuff, do you know anything about how I fix the hole when I restuff? Just sewing it up then?

    Thank you :D
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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia/NZ, etc. PLEASE HELP
    « Reply #8 on: December 07, 2012, 10:23:47 PM »
    i was wondering the same thing!! if i were to destuff, i'd unstitch maybe under the tail or mane, somewhere not easily seen, and keep the unpicked thread attached. then when you stitch it back up it shouldn't be too noticeable.

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies - from Australia/NZ, etc. PLEASE HELP
    « Reply #9 on: December 08, 2012, 10:15:02 AM »
    The best part to open the plushie is her belly ;-)

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    Re: WTB: Giant G3 Plushies from Australia/NZ & Pink Hair G1s - HELP!
    « Reply #10 on: December 11, 2012, 01:36:33 AM »
    Well no luck yet finding the plushies, but one day... I still don't know if I could fix a plushie after de-stuffing... So, would the person sending it then not send me stuffing and I'd go to the store and buy it myself to re-stuff it? Or... ? Just wondering. I feel like I'd need someone to walk me through it, LOL step by step.

    Updated this post for some WTB items that might be a bit easier to find, hopefully. :)
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    Re: WTB: Pink Hair G1s - HELP! Must be SUPER PINK!
    « Reply #11 on: December 17, 2012, 08:44:25 PM »
    Bumping to find ponies with PINK HAIR please...
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    Re: Sunshine Pony's Want List - Adult Sea Ponies & Shells (+ more)
    « Reply #12 on: December 20, 2012, 11:08:18 PM »
    Bumping for Post Holiday buying... updated to my TRUE wishlist... PLEASE help me get these two sea ponies!
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    Re: Sunshine Pony's Want List - Adult Sea Ponies & Shells (ACTIVELY BUYING)
    « Reply #13 on: December 26, 2012, 12:14:14 AM »
    Regarding the Sea Ponies, I want to say I'm super excited to cross the Purple Conch Shell off my list - got it for Christmas!! Hooray! I step in the right direction.
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    Re: Sunshine Pony's Want List - Adult Sea Ponies & Shells (ACTIVELY BUYING)
    « Reply #14 on: January 02, 2013, 10:21:26 PM »

    I'm really holding out for hope that I can find one of these sea ponies....
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