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Author Topic: Windsong's Wantlist For Trades/Swaps 02/05/12 *NOT BUYING*  (Read 2164 times)

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Windsong's Wantlist For Trades/Swaps 02/05/12 *NOT BUYING*
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:37:02 AM »
PLEASE NOTE!!! I am NOT CURRENTLY BUYING right now. This post is only so that I have a wantlist listed on the New Arena, since the link to my old wantlist is on the Old Arena. Please, DO NOT PM me about ponies you have that you can sell or trade with me. I will delete your message. Thank you for reading!  ^.^

Last Update: 02/05/2012
 * Currently not buying, this is just reference for future swaps. Thanks!
* Italics signify ponies recently purchased/arrived.
* Note: I'm not positive on all of these as I've not taken inventory of what I have recently, but this should be much more up to date than it was before.
 CF Snuzzle
 Perfume Puff Dainty Dahlia
 Perfume Puff Daisy Sweet
 Big Brother Quarterback
 Big Brother 4-Speed
 Big Brother Barnacle
 Big Brother Steamer
 Big Brother Salty
 SHS Frilly Flower
 SHS Fancy Flower
 Sweet Kisses Ruby Lips
 Sundazzle Sun Glory
 Sundazzle Sunbeam
 SS Crumpet
 SS Twilight
 SS Surprise
 SS Bouncy
 SS Fifi
 SS Best Wishes
 SS Taffy
 SS Bangles
 SS Lickety Split
 SS Wind Whistler
 SS Gusty
 Princess Sparkle
 Valentine Baby Purple
 Valentine Baby White
 Birthday Pony
 FF Flowerbelle
 FF Love Petal
 FF Sweet Blossom
 Baby Blossom
 Baby Starbow
 Baby Sunribbon
 Baby Brightbow
 Baby Rainribbon
 February Violet
 July Larkspur
 November Chrysanthemum
 SLH Rainbowberry (w/accessories)
 Pretty Pop (scented)
 SLH Snowdrop Swirl
 SLH Rainbow Treat
 SLH Royal Beauty (flower bouquet)
 Pinkie Pie Tiny Tin
 Serendipity Tiny Tin
 Yarn Hair Plush Pinkie Pie (any size)
 Knitted Cherilee Plush
 Knitted Pinkie Pie Plush
 G4 Princess Celestia single pack
 G4 Fashion Pony Pinkie Pie (styling, seen here on Amazon)
G4 Princess Celestia/Princess Luna Canterlot pack (seen here on Amazon)
G4 Magical Pony Express Train Set w/Pinkie Pie (seen here on Amazon)
 Triple Treat
 Sunny Daze
 Scooter Sprite
 Daisy Jo
 Fair Weather
 Magic Marigold
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 G3 SLH accessories (specifically Silly Sunshine, Silver Song, Sparklesnap, Wing Song, Pick-a-lilly and Sunny Salsa, Silver Lining, Precious Gem)
 G3 Butterfly Surprise Avalonia's accessories
 G3 Lavender Locket's white tutu
 G3 Always And Forever's accessories
 G3 Musical Wishes Jewelry Box accessories (have the Jewelry Box already)
 G1 Prom Queen SHS accessories (except for Daisy Dancer's skirt)
 G1 Pony Bride's accessories (veil, ring, wedding cake)
 Non-Pony Wants:

 ~~Kitty In My Pocket (vintage 1994, UK’s Animal Hospital, and new)
 ~~Pound Purries (plush and figures)
 ~~Littlest Pet Shop (vintage, especially any kitties)
 ~~Kitty Kitty Kittens
 ~~Kitty Surprise
 ~~Charmander (esp. plush, but also cards and figures)
 ~~Care Bears (esp. pink Daydream bear)
 ~~Pussyfoot (from Looney Toons cartoons, black and white kitty)
 ~~Garfield (plushes, even of Odie, Arlene, Nermal, and Pooky)
 ~~Beanie Babies (kitties and other odds and ends)
 Swap Box List Of Likes:

 ~Favorite colors:~ Purple, pink, black, white, red.
 ~Favorite candy:~ Chocolate (esp. any dark, 3 Musketeers Truffle Crisp, York, Reeses), Mike n’ Ike (any), Laffy Taffy (blue vanilla & banana).
 ~Other favorites:~ Cats, plushes, stars & hearts, Charmanders (Pokemon), Garfield, Care Bears, Bones (TV show ) themed items.
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