Pony Talk > The Dollhouse

Underrated Doll Line?

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What is the most underrated doll line in your opinion? I think that it's Pinkie Cooper, I don't understand why is didn't even last a year on store shelves, I mean, it was made by the person who made BRATZ!

I was going to add an image but I can't figure out how...

Oh god, I miss Pinkie Cooper SO MUCH. :( I knew right from the first time I saw them that they weren't going to last long, anthro dolls always seem to fail for some reason, but I was still sad to see them fail. I really wish they could've released the planned beach line, it was so cuuute... it looks like it got pretty close to being released, too. Here's an ad for them I scanned from an 2014 (I think) Argos catalogue:

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Another underrated line is Catwalk Kitties. Basically like Pinkie Cooper but with cats. :< Very very pretty.

Also not sure if they count as dolls or figures, but there was that Off the Hook line a while back. Odd gimmick, but I thought they were really cute. Never really seemed to catch on, though.. they've been shelfwarming at just about every discount store I've been into over the last couple of years.

I like gorjuss dolls but I couldn't really bond with mine :(

I actually only learned about Pinkie Cooper recently. I'm so disappointed I hadn't known about them while they were still being sold. I love anthros! For me, my underrated dolls are Pipos! They seem pretty unknown, which is a real crying shame. Just look at how gorgeous they are!
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oooh did someone say Pipos?!? I LOVE their dolls! Especially their PVC dolls, it's a shame they seem to be discontinuing those... Haven't gotten any Pipos BJDs but I've definitely got my eye on one or two, haha. They're so beautiful.


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