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Pokemon Gold Silver Board Game Rarity Issues? Red Box Questions


So I have this pokemon board game...
And it's the Master Trainer Gold/Silver one that's in the red box. I guess usually the box is black? It's complete except for the yellow figure of Ash. So, I go to look it up on Ebay and it sells seemingly between 50 and THREE HUNDRED and Fifty???

How is this a thing?
I have never seen such a variation or prices on seemingly the same red boxed game?
How do you tell if you have the very pricey one?
Cause I sure...can't. Like it doesn't say 'which edition' or something anywhere that I can find. I also don't have the instructions. I tried looking it up, but all I get are board game reference sites and things that tell you what all should be in there (like the green clips, pog-looking tokens, etc) and how to play it but nothing about how there's some apparent mega-money version.

Any insight of what to do about this game would be much appreciated,

I'd read the descriptions of each sold listing. It is more dependent on if it has all the pieces and parts. (or at least, the important ones).

The black-box version is the original, with 150 Pokemon. The red-box version is the "updated" Gold/Silver version, released when Pokemon Gold/Silver came out and the number of Pokemon increased from 150 to 250. If I remember right, they're essentially the same game, just more Pokemon in the red one.

A lot of merch from that Gold/Silver era, including this game, is pretty rare and sought after, I think *because* a lot of it was essentially the same game/thing as the original, so a lot of people that already had the original ones didn't get the G/S versions.

I'm not personally too "up" on the current values of Pokemon stuff, but looking on eBay sold items right now, I see one listed as 99% complete that went for $200. And there's one currently active with three days left and a bid for $145. If yours is only missing that one piece, I'd say it's definitely worth somewhere in the $150 - $200 range, if not more.


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