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Do you bird?

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Melodys_angel, I hate when the grackles find my feeders! They're ravenous!  Though their black feathers due have a pretty iridescent purple shine to them.

I live in the UK and have a flat on the 3rd and 4th floors so I see a lot of weather and birds, at the moment we have red kites ,rock/wood pidgins, great/coal/long tailed and blue tits, starlings, sparrows, robins, jackdaws, rooks, crows ,magpies, sooty gulls and as its summer swifts and pied wag tails :) also have ducks geese and swans flying over to the canal near to us where we also see coots, moor hens and some times kingfishers :)


--- Quote from: Aflame on June 25, 2019, 03:23:16 AM ---I live in the UK and have a flat on the 3rd and 4th floors so I see a lot of weather and birds, at the moment we have red kites ,rock/wood pidgins, great/coal/long tailed and blue tits, starlings, sparrows, robins, jackdaws, rooks, crows ,magpies, sooty gulls and as its summer swifts and pied wag tails :) also have ducks geese and swans flying over to the canal near to us where we also see coots, moor hens and some times kingfishers :)

--- End quote ---
Ah! Amazing!

I don't keep track of too many birds near me.  But, we do regularly attract screech owls, finches, cardinals, blue jays, grackles (quick bring the feeders in!), doves, and a heron in a pond nearby.  And well ducks, but someone put them there so do they count?

I love birds. I may have gotten it from my grandma who also loved birds and also did all kinds of things in her yard to attract them. I have always thought that birds are adorable beyond belief. I, too, had bird books. I don't know what happened to them, they're probably somewhere around.

Nevertheless, I don't really birdwatch, because that would require going outside and it's just not pleasant out for many reasons. I do enjoy seeing them from inside outside the window, though. My parents have a garden, so there are birds often, including hummingbirds.

My parents are quite keen on it and we have a lot of birds in the garden back where they live because they put food out and it's also near a forest area. So they have magpies (not popular in spring), pigeons and wood doves, starlings, sparrows, blackbirds, bluetits, greenfinches, goldfinches, an occasional crested woodpecker, coal tits...and a few other things as well.

There's also a couple of large ponds near their home which used to have swans but now have Canada Geese as well as moorhens, coots etc. And crazy ducks. The geese are lovely. When I used to walk the last stretch home from work past them I'd always say good evening to them and they'd always respond. They're great parents as well and really responsible crossing the road. MOST locals respect them. MOST. Not all.

Here in London, I don't have a garden. But where I am now is near the river and there's a lot of greenery around as well. Lots of swans on this river. Very sweet and pretty.

And sometimes I wake up to find a pigeon or a magpie looking in my bedroom window. The pigeons especially like perching on my sill and peering at me. Cheeky critters.

London pigeons are hilarious and watching them is a total other kind of birdwatching xD. I saw one once waiting at a crossing until the lights changed and then crossing with all the confidence of a commuter at King's Cross xD. They also like to spend time INSIDE the station main buildings in the hope of finding food. They're real survivors. They amuse me :)

When I was in Japan I saw some interesting birds that I hadn't seen in the UK, and heard some new calls, but I don't know what they were. One had an unusual call though - it might have been a hototogisu...


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