TCB > Wanted!

G1 Bath Tub Spares?


I was wondering if anyone might happen to have have any spares for the G1 bath tub please?  In particular I need the shower and the upright bits which the shower curtain rail fit on to

UK preferred please, happy to buy or trade as I have numerous G1 accessories kicking about.......

are you still looking? I might have the shower part. I will check tonight for you

I also need bath tub spares, if Fluttershy_Spike doesn't want it could I be considered please

I have various extra pieces, located in the US though.


--- Quote from: himmie on April 29, 2019, 01:21:24 PM ---I have various extra pieces, located in the US though.

--- End quote ---

Drat.  I amagine the cost of postage would be far more than the value of the extra pieces


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