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A friend needs help... (official Arena post)


There are very rare exceptions that I will consider breaking our no donations rule, and today I am breaking our rule.
One of our members has had her house burn down, and lost her two cats.
I am very, very thankful that her Grandbaby wasn't in the house, but her husband is in hospital with major smoke inhalation.
This is what she sent through today:
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If you are able to help at all, we would appreciate it so much.

Thank you for reading!

So heartbreaking but my spirit swells that we can come together for a long time member, friend and onferful person who has been part of the onine pony community since the beginning.

It happened to me before. It's not easy. I will share the link.

How terrible. I'm so sorry to hear of this news. Any updates on how they are doing?

oh Butta .... :( so sad

(grandbaby?!  *head explodes* we are that old?)


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