Creativity > Arts & Crafts Corral

What paint to use? (Playmates TMNT)


I want to paint on a Playmates TMNT figure from (it says 1988) but I don't know anything about painting, let alone on plastic. What type of paint would stick well enough for me to display it and occasionally transport it?

I have had success using Testor's Brand Acrylic Model Paint on plastic/vinyl toys and objects.  You could try that.  I buy mine at Hobby Lobby. 

Acrylic paints generally work best for all toys and other plastic items, and you can use primer (for example gesso) to give it some additional "tooth" for the paint to stick. Enamel paints are suitable for some hard plastics, like models and such, but if you're not sure I'd go with acrylic paint. Good luck! :)

I would definitely go with acrylics and some sort of primer/base coat :) I'd say your best bet would be some sort of miniature gaming/warhammer colours like citadel or vallejo (stay away from art grade acrylics for customizing toys - they dry tacky and thick).

Thanks everyone! There's a game store I can go to for model paint.


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