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Selling Cross-Stitches?

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Lady Frostbite:
I've been cross-stitching for a little while, finished a large project for fun and recently considered selling my stitches for a little pocket money. I am working on a Pikachu stitch (sprite from Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) and will be framing it.

Is this a viable little sale? I planned to put this one on eBay as a tester and start bidding at 1p to see how much interest it would get. Any advice from crafty sellers?

I would recommend Etsy just for the audience on there. Not that there isn't a market for crafts on eBay, but I find that very cheap auctions end up not making nearly as much money as something is worth. It would be neat to see how much you got, though!

Nintendo is kinda iffy about fanart. They went after some Pokemon plush makers at some point, but for a cross-stitch sprite you'll probably be okay. The worst they can do is send a C&D.

technically you can sell:

pattern to do this oneself:  YES (until you are C&D'd)
non-licensed fan item that has some profit built into the price:  NO

Lady Frostbite:
Oh man, seriously?  :( That explains why most of the Pokémon cross-stitch items I see on Etsy are for patterns rather than finished items ... That's quite sad, but very enlightening!

I'll finish this Pikachu test piece and put it up here to see if it is worth selling at all!


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