Pony Talk > Pony Corral

Ponies you regret not buying?

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So I saw this thread awhile ago that was like 'ponies you regret getting rid of', but I didn't see one about ponies you regret not buying. Sorry in advance if there was one and I missed it!

Probably my biggest regret was finding a Munchy in an antique shop for like $5 as a kid while visiting my grandparents and not buying her because I had limited vacation money. I didn't understand too much about pony rarity at the time either, but...man. I really regret not getting her to this day  :cry:

My mom told me there were no G1 sparkle ponies so I didn't buy them at the antique store.

We were going to buy the Pony Friends  but waited too long and someone else got them I don't remember who was at that antique store besides Edgar th elephant.

Considering I was an old school collector and had the opportunity to buy ponies MOC in the 80s, I should have just sucked it up and purchased the ones I wasn't that fond of and kept them that way. Like Mimic. Or Munchy.  Oh I remember seeing them, but I wanted crap like Smooshies or whatever the heck toy line of small things at the time that I grew bored with immediately. Also Totsy unicorns.  I would love to have a perfectly mint one now.

And also the later issues of the g2s.  I even had a decent job by that point and could have easily just collected them instead of drinking with a bunch of morons at the bar every weekend. I didn't gain that many memories, would have been better off with Princess Golden Light.

And I regret not picking up a Dream Beauty Skysplasher I saw for $5 at a flea market 2 weeks ago. :( I went back and the dealer wasn't even there.

As a kid I used to love going through the mail order pamphlets and would save my points but somehow never got around to getting my parents to put in the orders.   So I regret never having got any mail orders.

For shopping in person...
I came across the orange glitter Dream Beauty at a fleamarket for $12 and wanted to buy her.  My mom felt that that was a crazy price to pay for a use pony.  I was a young adult by then but let her talk me out of it.  I've been kicking my butt ever since for not buying her.  $12 was a steal for one of those ponies.

This is going to be one of those sort of makes sense why I didn't buy it thing in a way, About 6 months ago I was at a random swap meet and saw a Mimic and a Rapunzel (Before I knew exactly who/how rare Rapunzel was). The seller wanted $50 (Mimic)and $75 (Rapunzel). But here is the thing Mimic had permanent marker over one whole side (child's name and drawings) and so did Rapunzel and they both had a lot of visible tail rust besides other random marks typical to ponies.


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