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Describe your handwriting...

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Mine has been described as 'a drunk spider walking across the page'.
Hows yours?

Well I certainly don't have a description that colorful and creative. My writing is large, dark (I tend to press hard when I write), and sloppy, albeit legible. I had a friend tell me that my handwriting is a dead giveaway of my cerebral palsy. I think that's a very accurate way to describe it.

"Who writes in cursive anymore?" and "How do you even read that?" "Is that an s?" "That looks so hard to write!" -_- My classmates can't read cursive. At all. Thats how they describe it, by asking questions... My cursive is neat too, haha. Not too loopy and long though :)

Mine is kind of nondescript. There isn't a lot that really distinguishes it. I wouldn't call it pretty, but it's not illegible, either.

The "I apply cursive techniques but it ends up looking sloppy and my a's and u's look very similar" shuffle.


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