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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2018, 03:32:23 PM »

There were a lot of things that annoyed me about the movie.  But Leia using the force wasn't one of them. It looked odd, but I did like that it was understated and not glamorous and flashy.  She was never really that type and probably would have been an interesting Jedi.  Practical and level-headed.  It would be hard to imagine her "tempted" by the dark side.

And I didn't mind Rose and Finn.  But their antics were just not working for me.  It felt too much like they were in a overly condensed film together.  Probably because it was in the middle of an already long movie.   I'm glad he didn't die though.

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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2018, 07:16:59 AM »
The negative-ish reviews in the first few comments made me think I'm odd for having liked the film, so I'm happy to see more and more people come around who enjoyed it as much as I did :)

While there were some scenes and things I did not like about the film, overall I enjoyed it a lot and would like to see it again sometime soon - I'm constantly bugging the husband about it :)

I'm that naive type of girl, always hoping for a better future, never able to really dislike anyone, so while I can't sympathise with his current behaviour and actions, I really can't hate, nor even dislike Kylo. I guess this is also the reason why I can totally understand why and how Rey can still see some light in him, and why she still wants to save him after all. To me, Kylo is like a confused (and scared. The whole Empire is built on fear and threat...) little child (his childlike tantrums just enhance this. Those seriously remind me of some men I know/knew, who - some even over 40 - can be _so_ childish in situations -_- He also reminds me of 3-year-olds throwing huge and very visual tantrums over literally anything that happens against their will), and I do believe things will get better as he matures - not just in age, rather in experience. Yes, I can't forgive him for killing his father (but at least Mr. Ford is happy about that :P ) or for taking his shirt off (LOL. Seriously, Ben. Please don't do that again. I read an interview where the scene was explained to be necessary to confirm that Ben and Rey see all of the other when they connect, but I kind of always thought so and did not need such an explanation :scared: ), and children make mistakes, huge ones, even, and confused children more so. Kylo totally reminds me of young Vader by the way, from the prequel trilogy and especially Ep. III. It's no wonder the dark side of the force was able to capture him so easily with all the hate and anger he has in him. I'm very interested to learn more about the source of all these negative feelings inside him (there must be more to it than what Luke almost did to him, as Luke has already sensed a vast amount of darkness in him before that), I hope we'll get to know more about this in Ep. IX.

I totally ship Reylo :blush: There's a strong bond between them, it was present already in TFA, so this subplot getting more attention and development in this episode did not surprise me. I *so* rooted for Kylo to go with Rey after Snoke's death, but by hindsight that would have been too easy a resolution. I have the same hopes for Ep. IX though :blush:

LOL!!!  :lol:  Could get awkies if it turns out they are actually related! I think Kylo lied about her parents  :shifty:
I think too that he lied. That, or he saw it wrong. I think I even read it somewhere that the force made him foresee what he wanted to (or Snoke wanted him to) see, which is not necessarily the truth. While it would be nice to see someone finally totally coming into the "upper circle" of the jedi out of nowhere, it is not really how it usually goes in Star Wars.
About them turning out to be related, I wouldn't be surprised either (though I'd prefer them not to). It would be weird, yeah, but it wouldn't be the first time we see weird stuff happening between people who turn out to be related later (Leia did kiss Luke once, lol).

I don't know how to feel about Poe. His character was too show-off for me already in TFA, but I did not mind him. However, he kind of annoyed me in this film. He was just too self-centered and proud at many points, and so not a team player that it is dangerous. We have already seen several cases of Star Wars characters taking risky paths in hope of a better outcome, but not by actually sacrificing others - which happened in this case. And then it somehow all got forgotten and he did not seem sorry either...
And then there's another thing about him. I did not notice this on my own, but ever since my husband's comment over how racist Disney is for "bringing Rose and Finn together, so that Rey and Poe can get together" hit my ears, I can't get rid of this thought. After all that plentiful character build Rey and Kylo had together I'd be very disappointed if Rey and Poe got together in the end...

I like how Rey is getting stronger and more confident even in hopeless situations. At first (in TFA) her "magically knows all despite never having encountered it before"-personality was a bit annoying, but now that she is gaining more power it is finally getting an explanation and starts to make sense. I totally believe she can turn Kylo around, and it would be also well-deserved. I'm no feminist or anything like that, but it would be nice to finally see a female jedi demonstrate so much power, there were not many so far, and those who had the potential (khm, Leia) were also ignored.

Speaking of Leia... I agree that her space scene was weirdly executed (it honestly felt like a scene from Sailor Moon with all the "you discover your true power is bigger than you thought every time you almost get killed"-factor. On the other hand, I liked that it finally showed that she is not just some random woman, but someone who also has the force in her.
Carrie's mention in the ending credits made me tear up. I still can't believe she's gone :cry: I am really, really interested how they will handle her sad absence in Ep. IX, especially since she was originally supposed to have a major role in this episode (or so the rumours said). The latest information I have is that there will be no CGI of her, so yeah... I'm really interested. It's not like she's a character who can just not turn up anymore without a reason (which wouldn't even be possible in this case anyway, as she is currently on board of a ship with the rest of the main characters, she pretty much needs to be there in the beginning), and after that space scene she can't just... faint on the ship and die, right? :|

Snoke's short-lived role was a huge surprise to me too! And it makes me wonder how he got to be the Supreme Leader, judging by how much we saw of him, and his end, he did not seem that powerful... They Empire needs to get their act together, with a drama queen often incapable of making sane decisions that is Kylo, and Hux (who makes me wonder no less than Snoke, he seems completely incapable and unworothy of such a high position) offering support, they are pretty much doomed :P

I liked the "Hugs"-joke, but I do agree it felt a little out of place for a Star Wars movie.

I was a bit angry at that casino scene... There were some good visuals, and I guess it was needed to develop some subplots (Rose&Finn, and the little boy with the broom), but from the main plot's PoV it was completely unnecessary and even disappointing: all the fuss was in vain, the master code breaker was first not found (contacted), and later it turned out he was not even necessary, as a random guy from the prison was also able to open that freaking door (and then this also did not have the outcome they wished for, and Rose and Finn also almost got killed). I'm pretty sure there was someone on the rebels' ship who could have done that too, with less risk and extra effort...

The last battle was super scary for me. All that salt looked like blood (intentionally, I guess. The whole film was full of red-dominated scenes, which frankly made me feel pretty uncomfortable at times, as I really can't bear the sight of blood and also don't like the colour red - probably for the same reason), and the new AT-M6 walkers are also super creepy  :yikes: I am a huge walker fan, and I am sure I will also warm up to these over time, but right now I just find them super scary.

I loved the porgs, but I think anyone who knows me would have happily bet high amounts on this beforehand :D I definitely need some porg-related merch in my life, like a lifesize plushie... I haven't yet looked around, I fear for my wallet XD

The Force Awakens pretty much was a rehash of the 1st original film which was really disapointing for me.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. Not that I did not like TFA, I did. But after awhile I felt this constant deja vu, caused by that I found a counterpart for most scenes in the original trilogy.

By the way, am I the only one who wonders where on Earth did Kylo manage to obtain that Vader helmet? Yes, we already know there are Indiana Joneses robbing tombs wrecks in that galaxy far, far away, too, but who and why would have ever picked that burnt helmet up (I wonder how much food it would have worth on Jakku), and how it got to him afterwards? Where was it until the point (sometime in the not so far past) where Kylo suddenly found it important to own it? Do they have SpacEBay where "trash for me, might be a gem for you"-type of stuff can be auctioned off, and if they do, how much time dear Kylo spent checking it before someone finally put it up for auction? And how does he know it is not a fakie? :P
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2018, 08:45:44 AM »
I dragged my husband to see it again last night after seeing it earlier in December.  It certainly has flaws (definitely could have used a trim here and there, for sure) but the good parts are really, really good - namely anything with Rey and Kylo Ren.  Them I wanted more of...much much more. I am totally, absolutely on board the reylo ship after this movie.  But I've always been a sucker for that kind of dynamic, and the actors sell it completely. I also loved all the scenes with Luke, and I didn't think, considering how they explain what happened with Ben Solo and his other students, that it was unreasonable that he would have cut himself off from the force, etc.  But that's me.  I don't find the OT to be the masterpieces that some people do, because I didn't watch them growing up and have no nostalgia connection. 

For what it's worth, my husband is definitely on the more negative side of the spectrum, having grown up with the OT.  He does agree, though, that the Rey / Kylo Ren interactions were definitely the best parts.

I can honestly say it's the first Star Wars movie that has really gripped me. Here's hoping they don't backtrack in IX because of the very vocal negative fans and undo everything Rian Johnson did in VIII.

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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2018, 11:16:45 AM »
My only ship in the movie is Poe / Finn.  :P  Like, Rose is fine.  But I didn't feel like she had any romantic chemistry with Poe.
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2018, 11:38:40 AM »
I went to see it with my Dad.  He and I both feel that the new movies are just OK.  It was nice to Harrison Ford and the people from the older movies but it feels like they're trying to hard to entertain people and it makes it an OK movie.  My Dad feels like they should have just ended it with the original three.  I agree.
I'm not a fan of the side movies or the stories.  My Dad heard they're redoing the Star Wars movies and starting over with a new series.  They're doing Star Wars to death and I can't stand it.  I feel like they're ruining it.
 Yeah, they're trying to make it fresh and new for new generations but they probably don't know Star Wars when it first came out, like it was.  I mean, the original series was before my time but I pretty much grew up on it.
 My Dad had the VHS tapes of the original ones before they redid them and added the extra special effects.
He wants the original movies on DVD before they redid them but I guess a lot of other people do too and George Lucas has stated he won't do it, for whatever reason.  He should realize it would be a big money maker for him if he did that.  Lots of people would pay for them.

I can't see myself going to see the Han Solo story or the reboot of the series.  I feel like The Last Jedi was my last new Star Wars movie.
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2018, 11:40:56 AM »
My only ship in the movie is Poe / Finn.  :P  Like, Rose is fine.  But I didn't feel like she had any romantic chemistry with Poe.
They'd indeed make a nice couple :) I loved how they instantly clicked and made a great team when they escaped from the Empire in TFA. Sadly though, Star Wars is a franchise in which I don't really see such couplings happening, and now that Rose is in the picture, I find the possibility of this fading even more so :huh:

I can't see myself going to see the Han Solo story or the reboot of the series.  I feel like The Last Jedi was my last new Star Wars movie.
Oh, I haven't yet heard of a reboot. It does sound somewhat interesting to me, though I must admit that this is interest mingled with fear... I don't really see why a reboot is needed.
I'm also hesitant about the Han Solo story... I'll see once how I'll actually feel about it once it hits the movies, but for now I can't really see such a story being something I'd enjoy if the title guy is visually not the same as who we've got to know from the series. I mean I understand Mr. Ford is 75, he obviously can't play youg Solo anymore (and I don't think he'd like to), but still...
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 12:52:48 PM by Loona »
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2018, 04:23:33 PM »
My only ship in the movie is Poe / Finn.  :P  Like, Rose is fine.  But I didn't feel like she had any romantic chemistry with Poe.
They'd indeed make a nice couple :) I loved how they instantly clicked and made a great team when they escaped from the Empire in TFA. Sadly though, Star Wars is a franchise in which I don't really see such couplings happening, and now that Rose is in the picture, I find the possibility of this fading even more so :huh:

I can't see myself going to see the Han Solo story or the reboot of the series.  I feel like The Last Jedi was my last new Star Wars movie.
Oh, I haven't yet heard of a reboot. It does sound somewhat interesting to me, though I must admit that this is interest mingled with fear... I don't really see why a reboot is needed.
I'm also hesitant about the Han Solo story... I'll see once how I'll actually feel about it once it hits the movies, but for now I can't really see such a story being something I'd enjoy if the title guy is visually not the same as who we've got to know from the series. I mean I understand Mr. Ford is 75, he obviously can't play youg Solo anymore (and I don't think he'd like to), but still...

I think I read on that Harrison Ford only agreed to be in the previous movie if Han Solo died, because he didn't want to do the role anymore.
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2018, 05:11:31 PM »
That's right.  He wanted Han to die in Return of the Jedi, but it didn't work in the story.

I personally loved Rogue One and think it was the best Star Wars movie since the Empire Strike Back.  I'm also looking forward to the Han Solo movie, his backstory being a highlight of the Expanded Universe.

I'm definitely looking forward to it more than Episode IX.  I can't suspend my disbelief enough to accept the resistance that can fit inside the Millennium Falcon and mostly porgs is going to stop the First Order in one movie.
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2018, 11:13:38 PM »

By the way, am I the only one who wonders where on Earth did Kylo manage to obtain that Vader helmet? Yes, we already know there are Indiana Joneses robbing tombs wrecks in that galaxy far, far away, too, but who and why would have ever picked that burnt helmet up (I wonder how much food it would have worth on Jakku), and how it got to him afterwards? Where was it until the point (sometime in the not so far past) where Kylo suddenly found it important to own it? Do they have SpacEBay where "trash for me, might be a gem for you"-type of stuff can be auctioned off, and if they do, how much time dear Kylo spent checking it before someone finally put it up for auction? And how does he know it is not a fakie? :P

Honestly, I don't think it's that strange. They burned Vaders body on Endor after the war and he wore the mask there. If they left it by the scrap or put it on a stump afterwards anyone could've picked it up, even Kylo. If he grew up hearing the stories, no doubt he could have gotten a ship and traveled there himself to retriev it.

I'm a bit doubtful of Han Solos film. The pic of the cast look somewhat ok, but it's not Ford! I will watch it regardless. Rogue One blew me away so I hope I'll be equally surprised by Solo. I am however really looking forward Bobba Fetts film! 2020 can't come soon enough, lol!

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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2018, 05:01:10 PM »
I dragged my husband to see it again last night after seeing it earlier in December.  It certainly has flaws (definitely could have used a trim here and there, for sure) but the good parts are really, really good - namely anything with Rey and Kylo Ren.  Them I wanted more of...much much more. I am totally, absolutely on board the reylo ship after this movie.  But I've always been a sucker for that kind of dynamic, and the actors sell it completely. I also loved all the scenes with Luke, and I didn't think, considering how they explain what happened with Ben Solo and his other students, that it was unreasonable that he would have cut himself off from the force, etc.  But that's me.  I don't find the OT to be the masterpieces that some people do, because I didn't watch them growing up and have no nostalgia connection. 

For what it's worth, my husband is definitely on the more negative side of the spectrum, having grown up with the OT.  He does agree, though, that the Rey / Kylo Ren interactions were definitely the best parts.

I can honestly say it's the first Star Wars movie that has really gripped me. Here's hoping they don't backtrack in IX because of the very vocal negative fans and undo everything Rian Johnson did in VIII.

I agree.  I saw the movie for a second time and I am captivated by Reylo.  I also love Hux, such a bad-ass!

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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2018, 11:03:53 PM »
I went into it spoiler free, which was no small task.
This felt like for the first time a Star Wars film, as did TFA. Soundly placed into the arc of the movies while giving us new characters. Some thoughts:
-The First Order being so sure it can smoke the Rebels. Also, once again as in TFA the feel of oppression and absolute power TFO exudes. A bit too on the nose similar to Nazi's. It truly feels like we're seeing why they and the old Empire was feared across the galaxy.
-Rose, I wanted to like her but her character felt so forced. Her comment to Fin was a good one. About how she'd seen first hand what the First Order was doing. And the one about saving what you love.
-Rey/Kylo yes their dynamic has grown on me. Especially the dichotomy of light/dark, family/love/hate. Great job to both actors.
-Luke is exactly how I figure he'd be at this point. World weary, a bit jaded even.
-Leia using the Force-about damn time!
-Scenery was stunning,down right eye candy
-The space battles! Finally we get full on fights. Also, how bad ass was the ship going through the other one? (I know the names but am blanking)
-Once again John Williams doing what he does best
-Poe,I liked how he was snarky and jumped to the wrong conclusion. It felt natural, in the moment.
-Snoke, I'm sticking with  that was a hologram that got wasted. Because damn it I want more! If he's really dead, that feels cheap. Easy way out
-His throne room really helped bring out the feeling of the character. Also his guards were no slouches. Each with their own fighting style and weapon. Again, a nice call back to the original trilogy while making this its own.
-Loved the fake out at the end. I seriously didn't notice till right before Kylo realizes that Luke is a hologram.
-Luke picking up the dice from the Falcon's mirror. Nice, small call back to ANH.
-All the feels when Carrie was on screen
-Phasma once again is wasted, the character deserves more. Another case (see Rose) of a character written about in the books. Not truly used on screen.
-Yoda,turns out he was a puppet not CGI. Such a great call back to the original trilogy. And the artistry that brought him to life
-The end, so much put into just a few shots.

My favorite pairings are Poe/Fin and Rey/Kylo..yes that last one is growing on me.

I liked it more then I was expecting and feel it'll bring me back into the fandom. Yes, I have nitpicks with it. That dosen't stop me from loving it. Looking forward to Episode 9
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2018, 05:06:36 PM »
I went and saw it last night with one of 'those' star wars fans ' think toxic brony before they cooled their jets'.
Basically Treat the Star Wars Movie verse like you would the Marvel Movie Verse: Movie canon isn't comic/book canon and since the Extended Universe for Star Wars was basically ret-conned out of existence and de-canonfied by Disney and LucasFilms  if you can keep the two canons separate then you should have no problem enjoying the film. if not.. then don't go see it cause I ended up listening to the dude ranting for an hour on the way home and basically told him to shut it.
Now for the movie itself:
The pacing was slow so if you haven't seen it yet, just be aware it went the nice slow pace story telling.
Some of the points i seen being complained about are easily explained in the movie itself if you actually pay attention to the movie.
Story Line was good had some moments where you just laughed at the absurdity of it.
a lot of people made a lot of good points i'm not gonna bother to blather about lol.
 the minor romantic plot there was rather hilarious because you kind can tell the recipient was more a 'what just happened and why did you do that'
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2018, 02:46:38 PM »
Enjoying reading this thread a lot! I have been on other boards and it's more along the lines of "TLJ sucks/It killed Star Wars/It's stupid" rather than calming discussing pros and cons and thoughts about it. Thanks ladies and gents!

I think Force Awakens was a more even movie (less ups and downs and tone issues regarding humor) but Last Jedi just holds my interest more.

I came out wanting a whole movie of just Luke, Rey, and Kylo.

It felt like they did a disservice to the other characters by under utilizing them or ignoring any kind of arc all together. Poe's arc consisted of one line to Finn about being patient when Poe really fudged the rebels throughout the whole movie. Not only did they lose all the bombers and many fighter pilots ignoring direct orders from Leia, if he hadn't sent Finn and Rose on their mission then DJ wouldn't have overheard the info about the escape pods and ruined the rebels' plan to escape to Crait undetected. But even that could have been worked into an interesting arc but the only blow back is Leia's slap and then 10 seconds later it's completely undercut with his "Permission to jump in a ship and blow something up?" joke line because she says yes.

I also wanted more Phasma. After seeing how fans reacted to her hardly being in the first one, and Disney acknowledging it and making a fuss about getting the same actress back, heavily featuring her in magazines, interviews, and press junkets they threw the character away. I always wanted more back story with her and Finn. To hear her say in that amazing accent to him "I raised you! I gave you a family." and Finn to be all "You stole me from my real parents!" and she's like "You're parents couldn't have protected you like the First Order has. You've seen galaxies your parents could never even dreamed of because of me." Ok, I'll stop now...rofl.

I feel so bad for Kylo. From his point of view his father wasn't really present, his teacher tried to kill him, Snoke exploited his unbalanced nature mocking him for his ambitions to become Vader (even though this is what Snoke ultimately wants) to lure Rey, and when he offers to share the galaxy with the one person he's probably felt the closest to, she refuses. After the throne room sequence (despite it being a cliched "let's rule the galaxy together" thing) he doesn't say "Join me or die", he begs her, saying please, and Rey is the one to make the first move for the light saber. Then ultimately in the finale his mother states that she "knows her son is gone" even though she should've felt that he didn't make the shot that exploded the bridge, when he questions Luke about forgiving/saving him Luke says "No", and Rey shuts the Falcon door on him when he reaches out one last time holding the dice. Is 10 rebels dying worth the chance to rule the galaxy and enact balance? Maaaaaybe, lol.

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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2018, 10:08:13 PM »
Second best Star Wars movie after Empire and far and away better than Rogue One, but that was a horrible train wreck that even made the prequels look good so that's not saying much.
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Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2018, 11:40:45 PM »
I finally went to see The Last Jedi the weekend before last and LOVED IT! I had tried my best to avoid spoilers before hand (like with Force Awakens) but was catching that there was some disappointment coming from some. Yeah I felt there were a few awkward moments but nothing I'd complain too harshly about. I like the unpredicted direction they went with some things. There were several scenes where I was just absolutely riveted. I thought it was pretty awesome.


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