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Princess Gwenevere /Starla and the Jewel Riders

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Does anyone remember this show? I have a very vague memory of getting up extra early on the weekends to watch a few episodes. I was browsing YouTube last night and ended up watching the pilot (the Starla version) Are any episodes on DVD playable in the US?  I heard Netflix used to have the Starla versions of the episodes them but they're not there anymore.


I do remember this show. I got up early a few times to watch it myself. If I remember correctly, there was a line of dolls that went with the cartoon.

Used to watch it all the time :)

Yes on the dolls--and the horses.

I used to watch it here in the UK as Starla and the Jewel Riders. In fact i think it was in the last sort of decade or so i saw it on TV here. I did used to enjoy it :)

Jewel Riders Archive has been posting the full episodes on Youtube for both the Starla and Gwenevere versions.

I wore out my 3 VHS tapes as a kid for the show and I *might* currently have the Jewel Riders watching over me as I sleep :D


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