Pony Talk > Pony Brag Arena

Feels like I won the lottery!

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Darkest Absol:
Found four G1 ponies at Value Village today, and most seem to be in really good condition too! I've only ever found one at a time there, so this is amazing!

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Baby Tic Tac Toe. She's got problems. Plasticizer leakage, body's already pretty hard, green spots possibly from her hair, but hopefully fixable. Hopefully. (Can the plasticizer leakage transfer to other ponies? Been getting mixed messages on that.)

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Lickety Split. Really nice, and her hair is still pink despite apparently being fading pink! Probably just needs a magic eraser and a detangling!

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So Soft Lofty. The flocking is in really good condition with no scuffs as far as I can tell, but could use a bit of a wipe down to remove some dirt.

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And Glory. Let me tell you, that is an amazing mane job and I'm not touching that. Again, could use a magic eraser and a bit of work on her tail, and there's a trio of blue dots on her chin that could possibly sunfade off. (pen? They're in a perfect triangle shape.)

Nice finds congrats to you on those.

Ooh, great finds! I think they'll all clean up nicely... they look pretty nice to begin with!
I don't know for sure when it comes to plasticizer leakage... I've heard different answers regarding it too. Gonna follow this in case anyone has advice.  :)

Ohhhhh! Pretty! I'm also not sure about plasticizer leaking. Try the mlp preservation project or google to see if there are any tips.

Congrats on the new ponies! Finding G1s at thrift stores is the best! :happy:


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