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Is everyone giving this kid free ponies?! (IG Trade)

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This is a long story but to sum it up:

Around Jan-Feb of this year a IG user asked to trade my Parasol for a custom pony of his, and he chose a perfume puff style Minty. I said yes because I thought "why not?" even though I didn't really need a Minty.

Flash forward the kids birthday is coming up (and I know this because he's made it very obvious) so I decide to send him his pony Parasol early so he can have it for his birthday. He has told me a few times that he will be sending it soon but his mom needs money first? But anyway as a birthday gift I throw in 2 extra ponies - including a Fashion Style Celestia.

For the next few months I would politely ask when he would be sending my pony, and was met with tons of excuses. Finally sometime in March I basically asked him up front if he would ever send it. This was after he had claimed a pony from my sale, and when I asked for his paypal info he told me "oh I have no money nvm" as if he would be getting it for free. This upset me and prompted me to confront him.

In the end he said "I probably won't be able to send you the pony I'm so sorry about this."

So I blocked him, and then he wrote some hate posts about me blocking him for giving him free ponies  :blink:

Flash forward to now and I can see via IG that all of these people in our pony community have been giving him what I can only assume to be free ponies. Maybe it is because they feel bad? I know at first I did, he is 15 and maybe doesn't have a lot of money to spend on a hobby. But I want others to be aware if they've been in contact with him. Maybe he has completed some trades, but at least on my end this is considered stealing. Even if you're 17 you should know better than to take advantage of others kindness. I've told some of my close friends about this but I wanted to come forward in case others have had a similar experience.

I'm not sure if he is a member of the arena but on Instagram he has been mlp_positive_vibes, mlp_positive_vibes_photography, and is currently mlp_positive_vibes_2k18

Has anyone else traded with him?

Mods: please let me know if I should remove screen names.

*I have many screenshots if anyone is interested.

Even for a child, that is not very nice. I get it if you want to have a hobby. But actually have the money before you ask somebody for something. It's just a baisic rule of buying things. You wouldn't go into the Starbucks, order a coffee and say "I'll pay it later." No. You buy it or no coffee/pony for you! I'm not on instagram anymore, and have never traded with this fellow. And writing hate posts? Really dude? That's what you do? It's your own fault. You did it kid. You dug your own hole, be prepared to sit in it. And if the kid is 15-17 years old, he should be able to, at least in Canada, get a part time job. If the kid needs money, starts working. Shovel people's driveways or mow the lawn or something kid!

I don't think age is an excuse. I did my first trade online when I was fifteen, back in 97. Someone kind trusted in me and sent me ponies long in advance of when I could return the favour, and I took this kindness so seriously I went out of my way to hunt down the best trade ponies to give to her in return (ending in a huge trade of almost a hundred ponies when she visited her UK family in early 98). I also traded a lot with a girl in the late 90s who was then just twelve (anyone else remember Li'l Tot?) and she was one of the most mature and honest traders you could ever meet. It's not an age problem. It's a me-me-me attitude problem and that has no particular age limits, unfortunately.

This is clearly entitled brat behaviour and it should be outed. There are a lot of young people who would rather curl up and die than act like they deserve free stuff just because they want it.

Totally inappropriate to back out of a trade without sending the trade pony back . . . That's flatout scamming.  And he definitely sounds entitled.

I think it's worthwhile warning people about his behavior, BUT . . . after that point, there is no point in worrying whether people are sending him free ponies.  If they want to send him ponies or trade with him, after having been warned about him, well, that's their business.  Don't let their decisions affect your happiness, it's just not worth it.

Hmmm... can you reach his parents somehow?

What a brat. I wonder if they know he is scamming people.  Or maybe they taught him this behavior... 


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