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Bought lot on Ebay but didn't get everything pictured-Updated got my item. :)

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For the first time I didn't get everything pictured in an Ebay lot.  I was happy to find what I thought was a hidden gem in lot on Ebay. I got the package today but did not get everything included in the pictures. What should I do?


Did you get your gem? If not, consider that the seller didn't send it on purpose.

Either way, contact the seller and let them know there were items missing. That is the best place to start. Find out what they have to say, if they didn't send everything for a reason.

Definitely contact the seller.  Even if you received your hidden gem they still did not send everything that was listed.  I hope everything works out for you and it was a simple error in shipping.   

No, the hidden gem was not included in the box I received today nor were the other pieces that went along with it. I doubled checked the auction to see if I missed something in the description that mentioned it not being included but there was nothing. I was so excited because I thought I scored a great deal but this has taken my excitement out of the Ebay win. I hope there is a chance it comes in a separate box but that doesn't seem likely.


Kinda looks like they snuck the gem in there to get buyers, then removed it? Or maybe they didnt realize how valuable it was until right before they sold it. Regardless you paid for the lot and it should have been included, especially if you say you've double checked the description, sounds like something fishy is going on with the seller.

Sorry this happened :c


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