TCB > Wanted!

WANTED: EASTER PONIES G1 AND G3 (gigglebean,morning dawn delight etc)


hey everyone I'm looking to buy Easter ponies so if its Easter I'm interested  :biggrin: inbox me and let me know what you have and what prices! I'm reaaalllyyy looking for Gigglebean and Dawn delight

I have all three sets MIB (mint in bucket?) of the easter G3 ponies. Located in Ontario, so they'd have to be shipped to you. I also have the easter egg... uhm, the purple one. Daisy Jo I think.

I messaged you  :)

I have a Ton of easter ponies! I shall have a good look for you tonight and send a group pic. I live in the Uk so would that be a problem with regards to postage for you?

Hi there, I have a bunch of easter g3's including Daisy Jo in a plastic egg with bunny ears, and some others with bunny ears, as well as a few of the target exclusives.  here is a link:


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