Pony Talk > Off Topic

DropBox Public Folder Change for Bulletin Boards


Hi All.  Don't know how many of you use Dropbox to post pics here, but they changed how their public folders work.  You have to generate a new link because any previous public links you posted are broken. :(

Anyway the second annoyance is that the new link ("shared link") you generate doesn't work by default in MLP Arena (other bulletin board software)

--- Quote ---Web forum software, it seems when using the img codes , accepts the
"https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com......." format of current public folder links ,
but rejects the "https://www.dropbox.com......" format of current links
--- End quote ---

So you have to edit the image link to remove
--- Code: ---www.dropbox.com
--- End code ---
and replace it with
--- Code: ---dl.dropboxusercontent.com
--- End code ---
and leave everything else the same. 

It seems to work, but I dunno maybe dropbox isn't the way to go anymore.

Oh that's annoying. I'll have to fix my Dropbox links on another site. Thanks for the heads-up!

Ug.  Thanks for the heads up..this is inconvenient to say the least.


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