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Author Topic: MLP CUSTOM WEDDING ADVENTURE- CHAPTERS 1-6  (Read 4222 times)

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« on: June 06, 2012, 06:38:08 AM »
Ive been planning this for ages and i lot of people cant wait to see i hope it was worth the wait
 i tried to make it as fun,gripping and as much within the mlp style as possible and children friendly
mods/staff feel free to let me know if i should change anything and everyone if you have a
idea as to what should happen next or want to see a partical pony make a appearence please
 let me know....we have a long way to go for the actually wedding
  :blush: i hope i havent made a fool of myself
MLP Custom Wedding one of two similar projects but my other will be reinactment 
but this thread is about my custom version and all the events leading up to it this is a sort
of trial run  if everyone likes this version of pictures ill use this method ..oh please i need a
 title for this thread any ideas i would love suggestions
Chapter 1-The Invitations Sent
Our Adventure begins in a place known simple as Twilight Valley, home of the Twilight Ponies.
It is at the centre of this very valley in a large shimmering stable that our tale begins
at the famous Pony School Stables as usual all the students where waiting for Bluerose to deliver
the school mail as she did everday. But today they where about to have a unexpected surprise...

A figure suddenly appeared making it way towards the school and all though none of the
newcomers features where visisble it was  plain to see that this pony couldnt possible
be Bluerose this sudden realization had all the young ponies whispering amongst themselves,
 till finally the newcomer was standing before them.
The sun shone brightly down on the mysterious pony and the added light made the features
on the pony even more visible and made it even more apparent that the pony wasnt alone.
There on the pony back was a much smaller fizzy figure with a long tail which belong to a little animal,
 a lemur.Suddenly all the young ponies stopped there anxious whisperes and nervous behaviour as
they all rushed forward to greet the newcomers.

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The unexpected guest was was a large mare who had brightly coloured orange fur which
seemed to glow in the morning rays, her eyes where darker then melted chocolate yet  they held
a warm loving heart within, her mane and tail where the colour of lemon drops and was as soft as silk
,this pony was well known by all of Twilight Valley as being one of the legendary Guardians.

Her name was Sunbeam she was the Guardian of the Sun, with the power of solar rays.
alongside her loyal and mischevous pet lemur Fizzy Orange.
He quickly rughed forward to stand on top of her head and smiled down at the young ponies
All the young ponies looked overjoyed to see her especially as she was a great storyteller.
 Sunburst son also attended the pony school and was both surprised and excited to see his mam.
suddenly sunny the yellow cat stood on top of sunburst head and shouted outload.
Sunny:Hi...look everypony its Sunbeam! oh she must be delivering todays mail instead of Bluerose..
i hope its something special..Sunbeam!

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Sunbeam laughted and smiled softly at the children as they quickly gathered around her and
gave her a big hug before all of them turned to
look at Fizzy Orange in his paws he held a letter.He suddenly shouted loudly
Fizzy Orange:SPECIAL DELIVERY FOR THE PONY SCHOOL! Me and Sunbeam here
We were aked by our Ruler Twylight to deliver this special invitation!

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Fizzy Orange:We have all been invited by Princess Luna a long time friend and allie of our own
Great Ruler Twylight to attended the Royal MLP Wedding!
Fizzy Orange smiled at the ponies who all looked over the moon by the news a wedding they had never been
to a wedding before.The young ponies all began to talk amongst themselves sounding even more exicted by the
minute.A dark blue pony know as Tidal Wave the eldest of all the ponies
at the school and the most popular turned to Glitter a purple pony and Spooky a glowin the dark white pony
and declared boldly.
Tidal Wave :WOW a real Wedding i cant wait to tell papa going straght home to tell him.

Glitter:Me neither this sounds so exciting dont you all agree..but what is a MLP?
 Spooky:Got no idea what a MLP is myself?

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Everyone  looked confused as to what a MLP was ,Well almost eveyone all except two who knew very well
what a mlp was and they where deep in thought Sunny and Aurora both whispered to each other and looked
around to make sure no one else overheard there conversation
Sunny; A MLP Wedding...Princess Luna huh how long has it been Auora since last we heard that name?
 Aurora:Many long years not since that terrible day i thought....

both seem to be lost once again in though when suddenly Aurora Jumped up in the air startling Sunny back to reality
Aurora:Wait a Wedding who is getting married..No time to wait around here i must tell Snow!
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Sunny couldnt help but noticed that Auora seemed frightened whenever she would meation Snowflake aka Snow.
Sunny was about to ask Aurora about it but suddenly realized he too need to go and tell Wish about the invitation .
Sunny:Oh your leaving...already,then bye Auora. Ill be off to let Surf now

 Aurora:Okay then bye Sunny Tell Surf i said Hi and give him my best see ya.
With that being said the two went there seprate ways ,
Aurora made her way to Snowy Peak Mountains where Snow was waiting for her return.....
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Aurora finally made her way to the top of Snowy Peak where Snowflake the Guardian of Snow and Ice lived.
Slowly she made her way to the door of the ice stable and held her breath, Snow couldnt help but to notice that
her baby polar bear cub was slightly nervoous about something.
Aurora held her head up high and told Snowflake about the news .
Snowflake :A Wedding how intreasting...Haa this will be fun, anything else?
Aurora:Yes a MLP Wedding..there isnt any other details on the MLP invitation only that
Princess Luna sent them ..and we are all invited.
Aurora suddenly noticed Snowflake eyes where filled with hate and betrayl as she suddenly
glared at the meation of the princess and the word MLP and then spoke to her with a calm  voice
and it was the most frightening tone Auora had ever heard she knew from experience the calm
Snowflake was the more angry she was the proof was out side a snow storm had started up outside
but as quickly as it came it disappered and
Snowflake was suddenly smiling.
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Meanwhile back at the Pony School..Sunbeam was talking to her son Sunburst He was so excited by the annoucment
but had so many questions he wanted to ask his mother. He remembered that a longtime ago his mother would tell him
story of MLP when he was very small.

Sunburst:A MLP they really do exist and we are going to a real MLP Wedding..I CANT WAIT!

sunburst was jumping happily all over the place all around his mother like a newborn lamb an giggling happily,
at one point he nearly knocked his mother over but missed and landed on the floor with a loud THUD.
Sunbeam couldnt help but smile and laugh at her son he looked so adorable when 
he was excited.
Sunbeam:Haa yes and we will get to meet the MLP Royal Family ...and get to explore all of Canterlot.

As soon as Sunburst heard that sentence leave his mother mouth he was once again bouning around

only this time he knocked right into the other ponies in hi school knocking them all over.Sunbeam quickly
got up and rushed to hide behind his mother and then he came up with a idea he asked
and begged his mother to tell all the other ponies the story of the MLP FIM tales the stories she used to
tell him when he was small after aurs of begging she finally gave in.
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For the rest of that morning and afternoon the young ponies heard all sorts of tales all about
the adventures of the my little ponies, and each one
found there inner mlp pony that they where most like of there own hero
Sunburst was most like Pinkie Pie full of energy
Glitter was most like Fluttershy being shy
Tidal Wave was most like Rainbow Dash brave and courgous
Spooky was most like Applejack hard working 
But all the young ponies agreed they couldnt wait to meet there heroes
Sunburst:WOW COOL!
Snow Frost another baby bear: Rainbow Dash sounds amazing ..Rariety too
Summer another cat:Fluttershy Applejack WOW!
all the students of the school wont stop talking about all the adventures they had heard and spent
the rest of there time pretending to be there
favorite MLP. Fizzy Orange watched and bit his bottom lip he seemed slightly worried and tapped
Sunbeam head with his foot to let her know she   looked at him only for a moment and said nothing.
Fizzy Orange didnt think it was such a good idea
to tell the children the stories of the MLP ponies but Sunbeam didnt care she missed them so much especilly him.
Seeing Sunburst everyday reminded her of him ,Sunburst never got to meet his real father ever since that terrible day
...They had been seprated ,He was living in Ponyville far away from them, and worst of all the father she never got to tell him
he was going to be a Daddy.
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Sunbeam  shock her head no matter how sad she was right now the children needed to keep her mind on the
present and not on the past. She watched all the children having fun so far everypony was excited about the MLP Wedding.
Sunburst:Princess Luna,Princess Celestia,Fluttershy,Rariety,Applejack,Rainbow Dash Twylight sparkle...
they all sound WOW!
It was long before word spread fast and had all of Twylight Valley a buzz with excitement..well almost everyone .

Chapter 2- The Frozen Promise

Meanwhile back on Snowy Peak Mountain
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Snowflke looked very amused and pleased by the news of a wedding, even though only
moments ago she was enraged and hateful what could have changed her mind
it puzzled Aurora but she knew better then to question Snowflake.
Snowflake:Well then we mustnt keep them especially as Princess Luna has asked us to
attend the Wedding. Not to meantion everyone else will already be ready to go soon
better be off as well
Snowflake turned to look Aurora right in the eyes there was something hidden in
the back of snowflake mind but the bear couldn work out what it was only that
looking into the frosten eyes of Snow that there was a lot of pain and bitterness
hidden in them as well.Snowflake suddenly smiled but something about her
smile  seemed different...a sinister sort of of different.
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Auora was so lost in though trying to workout what Snowflake was up to that she hadnt
noticed Snow leaving the stable without her till a voice called her
Snowflake:Come along Aurora we have a wedding to attend to and a old friend we must
visit before going..come along we are leaving!
Aurora:Uh okay ..where are we going..Wait!
As soon as she realized that Snow was leaving she hurried as quickly as she could
after her, but she couldnt shake that feeling from before. Something was very wrong
yet Aurora had no choice but to follow Snowflake out into the snow.
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As the two made there way out of the stables Auora stopped only for a moment to gather
her thoughts her ears where shivering that could only mean one thing something bad was
going to happen soon
Aurora :Ive got a very bad feeling about this, Snow what is she planning...huh oh no i had better
hurry or she will  leave without me
she quickly raced after snowflake but no matter how much she tried to will the bad feeling away,
There was no getting past snow strange behaviour, Snowflake was up to something and that couldnt be a
good thing not at all.Yet no mattern how scared Aurora was she was loyal to a fault
and would stay with Snowflake no matter she only hoped she was wrong.
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Without another word the two went to spread the word about the wedding and as they set off out into the snow
world of the snowy peaks, Snowflake lead Auora out into the night , Auora was still worried as it was clear that
deep down inside Snowflake she was still angry and upset as the snow continued to fall all around them outside
Aurora:Please let me be wrong about snow
Yes aurora didnt want to belive the strange feeling that was in her cheast Snowflake was the closest
thing she had to a family ..yes how right that was not since that terrible day when her whole life changed
if Snowflake hadnt been there who know where she would be today.

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It wasnt long before the snow got so deep that Auora had to climb onto Snow back
which the large pony didnt seem to mind at all it was a lot better this way as less time would
be wasted having to get the baby bear out from underneath a pile of snow. Aurora
cuddled into the saddle on snowflake back and was starting to fall fasst asleep.
All the while snowflake was still smiling , she made a promise to herself that moment
inside her head so as not to wake up Aurora her cute baby polar bear.
Snowflake :i promise to make this a Royal Wedding you wont soon forget..HAA i do love
being me..well i cant keep HIM waiting any longer
Snowflake suddenly spoke :I promised them that much and I always keep my word
her eyes where filled with hate and betrayl as she spoke thoughs words.
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Suddenly Aurora rolled over and opened one of her eyes and spoke very quietly more like a mumble
which only snow could hear, in that very moment Snowflake could only think of one word to describe her
Aurora:Did you say something Snowflake..under your breath*yawn* okay
Snowflake looked very startled upon fully realizing she had woken up the baby. i didnt say anything
with that being said auroa went back to sleep all the while snowflake couldnt help
but take a look at her now and agin throughout the journey she looked so cute and
small , Auora was her most precious treasure and all though she hardly ever told her
that to her face she would completely destroy anyone who would think of upsetting
or hurting Aurora ..again ..yes never again would snow let this baby bear cry she would
make them pay after what happened on that terrible day .
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Having finally arrived at the bottom of the Snowy Mountain Snowflake was greeted by Sunbeam
she ,Fizzy orange and her son had been waiting for there arrival.
The two adult only looked at each other only for a small moment and nodded to each other,
They hadnt seen each other in so many long years not since that terrible day.
Snowflake turned and looked up towards a far off canyon where the skies where always dark
,thunder boomed loudly and lighting light up the sky.
There they would find HIM the one now as Storm
So off the group went to visit Storm.

Chapter 3-The Storm Within

By the time they reached the canyon entrance they where all soaked it had been raining
heavy in the valley below and as they walked through the canyon the cold wind whipped
through the endless stone corridors and made each of the shake.
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It had taken them along time to reach the centre of the canyon and it had started to rain
Sunburst cuddled closely to his mother leg trying to stay dry and for comfort
he hated storms especially the loud clap of thunder it shock him to the core.
He gave a quiet whimper which his mother heard she brought her face closer
to his and nuzzled him doing her best to reassure him that she was right here
and that nothing would happen to him.
Snowflake said nothing but looked in disgust she hated Sunburst but only
because she hated his father, he wasnt like them . he was one of them and they
couldnt be trusted no never again they had there chance and blew it.
Sunbeam noticed the look that Snow was giving her son and suddenly but herself
inbetween the two. Snowflake got the message loud and clear and left it at that.
but she still hate the brat, he was a half breed, a nothing.
Finally the group arrived at the lightning stables home of Storm, They all
slowly approched the door the baby bear jumpedd off the saddle and spoke as
loud as possible to be heard over the storm.
Aurora:Storm  are you in?
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They waiited a few minutes but still no reply so Sunbeam took Sunburst and Fizzy Orange
to look around for any signs of Storm
Sunburst felt so relived to be away from Snowflake something told him
she simple just didnt like him at all. Suddenly something was glittering in the distance
and sunburst rushed forward past his mother only to freeze and quickly retreat back
to his mother side when a loud clap of thunder sounded once again.
Fizzy Orange wrapped his tail around the baby pony to calm the youngest of the group.
Sunbeam  made her way over to the glittering object only to discover no other then
Glitter storm  daughter.
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Sunburst looked out from behind his mother leg and blushed brightly
he had a secreat crush on this little beauty which he would never
admit. Glitter jumped as soon as she realized that she wasnt alone.
Comically she quickly hid behind a small pebble , Sunbeam couldnt help
but smile Glitter was so shy and her hiding places where terrible.
Sunburst took a deep breath and tried his best to hide his face.
Glitter looked at the group and spoke very quietly that sunbeam had to
bring her ears closer to hear what Glitter was saying.
Glitter:Sunburst what are you doing here,did something happen?
Sunburst:We came to you and Storm
Sunburst buried his face into his mother leg his heart was pounding loudly in
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After a long conversation the two began to play though they would both
run and hide when ever the thunder boomed at one point the two had
ran around  tree from either side and headbutted each other before
landing on the floor with a THUD.
Sunbeam watched over the two playing happily together .

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Meanwhile back at the stables Storm had fianlly returned only to find her of all ponies
But as soon as he saw Snowflake he could help but smirk at her she had grown since
last he saw her and the only reaction he got from her was a she glare ,he just rolled
his eyes at her. She then sneered at him but stood her ground, He  ooked all around the area,
before he then spoke with a playful tone
Storm:So its begins is everything ready for our old friend?
Aurora was very puzzled by the sudden change in Snow  behaviour she knew for a fact
she hated Storm she had made it clear only moments ago. So why where the two
acting as though they where a family again, al through out there childhood
they had always fought for the attention of thre parents, just like a brother
and sister would ..yes these two where brother and sister.
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Aurora sat quietly watching the two whisper amongst themselves
Storm a smiled at his sister who in turned rolled her eyes.But she
couldnt wait to make them pay even if that meant she need to put up
with Storm  she would do it but only at a push.Storm turned to her and
whispered into her ear.
Storm:Well then there no time like the presents lets go
Snowflake:I cant wait
With that they made there way to where Sunbeam was with the young ponies
and made there way down the canyon and out to the valley they would
need to travel through a cave which they would use to go to Twylight Ville
before making there way to Canterlot.
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Snowflake and Storm  both smirked wickedly at each other before snow turned
to look at Sunburst, Maybe then she could finally get ride of the half breed once
and for all.They had finally reached the cave and where making there jounrey through
the dark passage.The group were on there way completey unaware that meanwhile
far away in a Kingdom called Canterlot a secreat meeting was being held that would
change there world forever...

Chapter 4-Meeting Under The Moon

On a cliff under the moonlight a single alicorn stood waiting
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under the moon pale glow only her cutie mark of a cresent moon
could be seen in the darkness, her eyes held only pain and fear
she knew she had to do this it was the only way...

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She waited and waited, with only the moon for company till finally Luna heard a faint
rustle from the nearby berrie bushes.
Luna;So you sent the invites a i asked, I hope our plan works
The bush once again made a rustling sound and then a voice replied
????:Yes and i hope so too Luna
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Luna waited and waited , soon she got very annoyed as no one
existed the bush with a roll of her eyes Luna gave up and desided
to go into the thick berries bushes in search for the owner of the voice
it didnt take her long to find the bush where the voice had come from
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Luna stopped right infront of the bush that the mystery voice had come from
and spoke once again
Luna;Did anyone see you ,sneek out to see me
There was another rustle and the voice replied
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The bush once again rustled and by now Luna was more then a little bit
curious what could be so intreasting about these bushes that omeone would
want to stay hidden in them all the time it was really starting o annoying Luna
but above everything else why was someone hiding in a bish to begin with
no one knew of this location only Luna did.
Luna;Wait why are you in a bush ?
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The rustling finally stopped and there was a long pause where nothing could
Luna became very worried why had everything gone quiet was something bad about to happen
she felt very nervous and on edge.
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Suddenly up popped a pony out of the bushes nearly knocking Luns over
from fright.Luna glared at her old time friend and gave a heavy sigh once more
honestly why did she always have to do that and scare her.
The pony or should i say Phoenix pony was Empress, a very old friend of Luna
she had become allies when she was banished long before she became Nightmare
Moon and she even stood beside luna on that terrible day .... reaon,just admiring the berries
Empress replied and swallowed before looking all innnocently at Luna.
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Luna rolled her eyes she shock her head, Empress put on her most innocent
Luna:You were eating the berries again i see..huh?
Empress quickly shock her head and looked shocked at luna
Empress:Of course not Princess Luna
Empress looked very nervous and smiled how could she have know that what
she was doing, she couldnt have possible seen her eating in the bush let
alone in the dark from where she was standing unless she was a super pony bat.
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Luna on the other hand looked Empress right in the eyes and replied

Luna:...You have berry juice on your mouth by the way empress
What Empress blushed she had been found out because she was a
messy eater! she felt so embaressed she was defeat by berry juice impossible
she pouted at Luna oh so that how she had found out..oh berries Empress
quickly licked away the evidence all the while Luna giggled but as soon as her
eyes saw Empress creast the crown on top of her head it reminded her of the moon
and of that terrible day
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Luna:....anyway is everything ready for our guests and the other thing?
Empress stopped pouting and looked at luna sadly and hope that Luna would
change her mind she really didnt want to do this once it done there was no going back
Empress:Yes but are you sure you want to do this?
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Luna said nothing at first and walked back over to the cliff edge and looked sadly up
at the moon, she had so many memories of that place a 100 years or more, and still
she could escape HER even though everyone had forgiven her especially her sister
now she was going to do something that might imprison her forver .
Luna;Dont give me that look you and i both know it has to be this way
Empress:i know i know but is this what you really want luna?

but luna said nothing.
Chapter 5-The Heart that Loves and Forgives

In the Kingdom of Equestria where happiness and excitment was everywhere.
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the kingdom was celebrating the return of there beautiful princess...or should i say
Queen Mi Amoure Cadance and King Shining Armour
Everyone was overjoyed to see them home especially after the events with Aria
Fireworks decorated the night sky, as everyone looked up at the balcony
the king and queen shared a kiss and what a memorable one it was.
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After all the celebration both Cadance and Shining armour return back inside the castle
Shining Armour couldnt help but smile at Cadance he was really here with her
the one he loved with all his heart after all the hardship they where together.
Cadance:Its finally over, we are together ,Aria is gone and our kingdom is saved!
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Shining Armour couldnt help but feel proud his little sister had saved his wedding
his true love and him.
Shining Amour:Thanks to Twyli and her friends. We will always be together Cadance
thats i promise you
Suddenly he noticed that cadance eyes where filled with tears he felt very worried
and came to stand right beside Cadance.
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Cadance started to cry her mind was filled with the memory of what happened
with Aria and soon Cadance was shaking this alarmed Shining armour so much he
quickly nuzzled her trying his best to comfort her
Cadance:Oh Armour if Twyli hadnt found me ..i.. *sob*
Shining Amour:Oh my sweet beloved Cadance
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Cadance:I nearly lost you Shining Armour so sorry
Cadance felt so guilty about what hapened with that changling queen she had used Cadance
love for Armour to use him and nearly to destroy there love
Cadance couldnt help but to cry even more her heart was filled with sorrow
and Shining Armour whispered softly in to her ear and
Shining Amour:Im the one who should say Sorry
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He turned cadance to look deep into his eyes and he looked very sadly at her.
He was suppose to protect her not the other way round someone as delicate and beautiful
one with such a soft nature such as her should never have to fight but Aria ...she did this it was
her fault his Cadance was crying even know Cadance would still have nightmares of her.
But even the nightmares of the changling queen where nothing compared to the ones that haunted
them of that terrible day.
Shining Armour looked around he suddenly felt a chill go up his spine but thought nothing
of it, he looked into Cadance eyes they looked so fearful and so full of guilty and it wasnt even
her fault his beautiful Queen.
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Shining Armour looked deep into cadance eyes and nuzzled her effectionatly before
he smiled at her gently.She looked confuesd at first
Cadance:You owe me a apolygie but why you did nothing wrong?
Cadance looked down at the floor sadly she felt so ashamed of herself but shining armour
wasnt having any of that and pushed her head up to look directly into his, even though all the
tears cadance pouted at him, Armour gave a small smirk she was so adorable even when
she was sad.
Shining Armour:Cadance i should have realized that the pony wasnt you but a fake
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Yes that day he should have realized it wasnt cadance the pony he saw in the depths of thoughs
eyes was one of pure cruelty and hate, eyes that held no love for him but then again he was under Aria
spell so he really couldnt do much at the time but still he should have know that it wasnt His Cadance.
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Shining Armour:but i didnt , im so sorry my sweet and beautiul wife i love you
Cadance couldnt help the blush that appeared on her face, slowly her tears dissappeared
that heart is a strange thing and the heart that can love can also forgive know Cadance
understood that Shining Armour had also been looking for her forgiveness. If only they
too could learn to forgive then that terrible day may never have happened but ...
Shining Armour;so please dont cry i love you
Cadance *sob* i love you too Armour *sob
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Finally Cadance stopped crying she kissed Armour on the nose all his words had lifted
her spirit and had set her heart free, the gulit she had been feeling seemed to have vanished
away and she knew that as long as she was with Shining Armour Aria would never harm him again
And beside Cadance was more then relived to be home woth her husband her one true love.
Shining Amour:Feeling better now?
With that the two shared a passiononite kiss..little did the two know that someone was watching them
once again Armour felt that chilling sensation up his spine and look once more around he didnt see anyone
and Cadance was nuzzling her face against his neck once more and all the tears where gone,he smiled down
at her and made a promise to himself that Cadance would never again need to save him he would be the
one protecting her.

Equestria was a castle filled with endless secreats and love.
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Cadance smiled at her husband happily suddenly a small and very timid voice echoed
through the halls.
????:Big Sis is that you? The real you?
Cadance felt so relived to hear that voice for so long since her imprisonment by Aria
she had longed given up hope and belived that she would ever never get to hear that
voice ever again. Her little sister must have been so worried when the fake Cadance
had taken up residents instead of the real Cadance. She also felt so relived to now
that Aria hadnt imprisoned her as well.
Cadance:Yes its the real me, im home
Her eyes where filled with excitment and pure joy she would finally be reunited with
her family shortly, with her baby sister at last.
Shining Amour smiled at his wife, they were finally home.
Shining Amour:and Cadance i love you with all my heart
Cadance couldnt help the blush that darkned her cheecks she quickly rushed forward
and kissed her husband on the nose before hurrying off to her little sister room.

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Shining Armour gave a heavy sigh he so wanted to follow his wife,but that feeling
of being watched creeped up on him once again.
Shining Armour:I had best go guard the castle, incase of anyone tries to sneak in
...We wouldnt want another incident like Aria again.
????:No you wouldnt want that would you boy?
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Wait that voice it sounded famililar too familiar.
????:Haa..i can see your whole body do you still remember me boy?
Armour looked down his whole body was shaking he did know that voice slowly he
turned to gaze at him.
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Shining Armour looked fearfully at the trespasser, he remembered that voice but most of
his golden eyes they had haunted him and many other ponies alike.
Shining Armour:leave know Emperor
Soon Armour realized to late that he had made a terrible mistake, he had forgotten something
very important about this ancient phoenix pony.
Emperor:..How rude are you forgettng BOY. what i can do shall i return you to the nightmare!?
He growled a reply that alone made Shining Armour jump, Suddenly his vision was filled with
Darkness.Emperor was one of only a handful of ponies that had the ability of NightVision a
method used to enter ones mind and cause horrible dreams that always come true or are often
a prediction or vision of things to come...but he remembered Emperor words he was making
his nightmares of the past back to life in his mind once more.
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Shining Armour mind was filled with memories of Emperor. Shadowy figures danced across his
mind along with voices of the past.
????:That Terrible day ......*unaudible*
He could hardly hear what the voices where saying but he reconized the event it was the day he
had been warned and he didnt listen and then a monsterous Emperor appeared before his dream
self and bellowed loudly
he looked at the scene before him, his other dream self was on the ground looking worst for wear
where as a large monsterous figure loomed over him yet the voice sound like Emperor.
Dream Shining Armour:Never!
Suddenly the scene changed again this time his other version was kneeling before the large
creature, it loomed over him with a large smirking
Dream Shining Armour;Noo ..Never!
Suddenly a claw like hand came closer to his dream self and as it was about to grab him , A shining
light engulfed his whole vision as a loud shriek was heard
Dream Emperor:NOOOOOO!
then he was going yes that day Emperor had been sealed away for all eternty...for all eternity then why
was he back ...of course that terrible day if it hadnt have happened then they would still be ...
Shining Armour:CADANCE!
That voice he knew that voice it was his beloved Cadance he suddenly woke up wth a start and was
face to face with the Emperor once again.
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Shining Armour:Why are you here?
He asked quietly avoiding Emperor gaze , The eldest of the two smirked Armour reminded
him of a small child that was scared of being scolded by its parents, he was being cute
without even realizing it. Emperor took a step forward the other
Emperor:Haaa Haa very good boy you havent forgotten ...but calm yourself I wont hurt you
Emperor gazed at Shining Armour and smiled at him. right at that moment Emperor spoke to him 
as if nothing had changed between the two as if that bond they had once shared was still there ...
that terrible day had changed everything yet it was as though that day never happened.
Armour looked very puzzled but then suddenly the gem ontop of Emperor head began to glow
and the scene behind him disappered into the gem glow.
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Shining Armour slowly opened his eyes and soon realized he was no longer in Equestria
but in a forest he had never seen before.
Shining Armour;Wait Where are we?
Emperor smiled at Armour and looked very relived that Armour had calmed down and was
no longer shaking with fear yet he didnt let hs gaze stay on the younger of the two for too
long incase he frightened him. Know wasnt the time for the past...he looked at the forest
that surronded the two.
Emperor:I teleported us here boy

To be continued

To view the new chapters click the link below please and thank XD,299600.0.html

CHAPTER 7- Loyalty Beyond Betryal

« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 06:16:51 AM by Flutter_Valley »

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That must have taken forever to do! I love how you drew the background environment around them :) Can't wait to read what happens next :)

Offline hathorcat

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I love the way you have created the pictures...I ll be following the story! Great work
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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Chapter 2 added
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 05:16:28 AM »
That must have taken forever to do! I love how you drew the background environment around them :) Can't wait to read what happens next :)
I love the way you have created the pictures...I ll be following the story! Great work

Thank you so much im so happy to hear you say that and that you love my pictures XD THANK YOU salli im so glad you like it too ive added chapter 2 now as well chapter 3 will be either later tonight or tommorrow i hope you all like it so far XD

Post Merge: June 07, 2012, 07:59:39 AM

BUMP- added the new Chapter 2 enjoy

Tommorrow -Chapter 3 + 4 and the MLP finally make a appearence in the CH 4 XD
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 07:59:39 AM by Flutter_Valley »

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Re: MLP Custom Wedding Adventure ADDED Chapter 2-The Frozen Promise
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 11:36:36 AM »
Hmmm, what's going on? I can't wait to see what happened that terrible day, I have a feeling Shining Armor is involved!

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Re: MLP Custom Wedding Adventure ADDED Chapter 2-The Frozen Promise
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 03:13:06 PM »
Great story! You are putting an amazing amount of work into this.
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 07:54:27 AM »
Great story! You are putting an amazing amount of work into this.
Hmmm, what's going on? I can't wait to see what happened that terrible day, I have a feeling Shining Armor is involved!

XD Im so glad you like it so far Salli and we will have to wait and see  :P
and thank you as well hathocat i thought my story wasnt that good at first i keptb doing spelling mistakes
and having to re read my story more then once but im so glad you like it ..both of you at least i now someone is reading my story

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« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2012, 12:38:38 PM »
Dont worry about the odd spelling mistake we all do it as we type!

That looks like Nightmare Moon is going to turn up tomorrow!
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!

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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 03:55:02 PM »
Yea!!! Luna has arrived!!  :biggrin:  Those foals are so cute too.


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« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2012, 06:07:35 AM »
Dont worry about the odd spelling mistake we all do it as we type!

That looks like Nightmare Moon is going to turn up tomorrow!

Thanks hathocat XD hope you like the newest chapter 4 next chapter 5 is called Darkness falls at Equestria .. XD easy to guess who will definetly be in this chapter i hope my plot keeps everyone guessing XD

and Nightmare moon will definetly appear in my story youll know when she does the Chapter title will give it away but there a twist not going to spoil it though XD

Post Merge: June 09, 2012, 06:11:59 AM

Yea!!! Luna has arrived!!  :biggrin:  Those foals are so cute too.

Yeah i though i owed Luna that much she didnt get much screen time in the actual TV Series but she will her XD and im glad you like the foals Salli and i hope you like the newest chapter you can also guess who will appear in the next chapter there will definetly be a lot of love in chapter 5 XD hope i keep you all guessing

Post Merge: June 09, 2012, 06:18:35 AM

not sure if ill be able to post tommorrow the next chapter but if i dont there will be 2 new chapter up on monday chapter 5  +6 XD and thanks again Salli and you too hathocat you too are awesome
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 06:18:35 AM by Flutter_Valley »

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Is the Luna in your pictures your own custom? She looks great..
Thank you Matcha for my gorgeous Baby Fifi avi :hug:
Loa is my love god!
I love Loa more than PonyLady!


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Is the Luna in your pictures your own custom? She looks great..

Im glad you like her each of the ponies in the pictures are the ones i own and Luna is one of the ones i bought where as Empress i made her myself i got luna from my very special best friend .i love customs and most of all because custom are one of a kind just like snowflakes XD next chapter will be monday and its my best chapter yet!

Post Merge: June 11, 2012, 07:04:40 AM

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 07:04:40 AM by Flutter_Valley »

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More tantalizing hints. I love the romance too. Shining Armor is so hunky :)

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Great story! I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Oh you are doing a fantastic job, it looks as though you have put a lot of work and love into the story!


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