Pony Talk > Introductions

another member back again..

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I didn't know if we should make new introduction posts, but since i can't reply on the sticky ones to ask my question (and my eye spotted some old members re-introducing) i thought i'd just make a short intro.

I'm hokuspokus and offcourse joining the new arena!
My collection was started in 2006 and i collect the first generation only.
well, i am currently 23 years old and living somewhere in the Netherlands :)

By the way,
nice job on those cool new smileys!  :enthralled:

Welcome back! Good to see you!

Hi, hokus!  Glad you made it!  :lovey:

 :welcome: to the New Arena. I think the oldbies are just reintroducing for fun.  :cheer: :dance: :banana: :joy: And why not?

Welcome to our new home.

--- Quote from: SourdoughStomper on January 15, 2012, 04:40:43 PM --- :welcome: to the New Arena. I think the oldbies are just reintroducing for fun.  :cheer: :dance: :banana: :joy: And why not?

--- End quote ---

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